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Forum » Chew The Fat » The Café
Vaporman87 wrote :

Walmart... that's right, WALMART... is closing 269 stores! This can't be good news. Walmart has been nothing but a growth company for soooo long. Now they are CLOSING stores? That seems like the beginning of the end, albeit one that will likely play out for decades.

-end quote
Either Walmart realized they opened
too many stores and isn't worth maintaining so many or perhaps people getting fed up with Walmart and shopping elsewhere. Because gazing at the list of closures alot of them appear to be out in the middle of BFE. My wife drags me there because it's cheaper however I prefer to shop at places like Wegmen's or Food Lion or almost anything else. May be more expensive but I prefer the quality and different selections the other stores have.

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Wir sprechen zu viel, aber wir sehen zu wenig.
I wish we had a Wal-Mart closer by. I agree with Saurman in that I would shop elsewhere for food but just about everything else I'd shop there. 
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Don't get music at walmart, it's usually censored versions. One year for christmas i got my brother an avenged sevenfold cd there and he didn't like it because it was censored.
Quote Disable Sigs
thecrow174 wrote :

^ What is this, Freaky Friday?

Anyway, Zoolander 2 hits theatres next month. Did anyone even like the first one?
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Yeah, the first one has always been one of my favorites. When i heard about the sequel i was interested but not super excited because of all the sequels over the past few years coming out 10+ years after the first have either been good to ok to bad compared to the first. 

Then i heard that Ariana Grande(i'm a huge fan and obsessed) was going to be in it and that made my interest go up 100% and then i watched the trailer and it looks like i would probably like it.
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David Bowie was in the first one wasn't he?
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You love this signature.

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It's so much fun to watch this whole controversy with Academy Awards being too "white" play out before me. Here are rich people living in a bubble who think Affirmative Action is so great for "the rest of us", but hate how it's inconveniencing them. This is better than 99% of entertainment available right now.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic
I remember hearing this song when the original Zoolander was being promoted.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Vaporman87 wrote :

It's so much fun to watch this whole controversy with Academy Awards being too "white" play out before me. Here are rich people living in a bubble who think Affirmative Action is so great for "the rest of us", but hate how it's inconveniencing them. This is better than 99% of entertainment available right now.
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Yeah, it seems like all of these rich and famous people are always miserable. They have everything you could ever want or need and they don't have to worry about much but all they ever do is whine and pout about the most trivial things. I always think that if i was in there spot making movies or music, that i would be so happy because i would be doing something so cool and fun and wouldn't be doing backbreaking jobs. But they weren't nominated for a meaningless award, so they're lives might as well be over.
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Is anyone else watching the royal rumble tonight?
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