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Forum » Chew The Fat » The Café
I hope no one posts in that thread. That should send a message.
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Mr Magic
As slow as RJ is, I wouldn't expect one.
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"Magic can happen to you."

R.I.P.  David Margulies aka the mayor from ghostbusters.
Quote Disable Sigs
Walmart... that's right, WALMART... is closing 269 stores! This can't be good news. Walmart has been nothing but a growth company for soooo long. Now they are CLOSING stores? That seems like the beginning of the end, albeit one that will likely play out for decades.

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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
I hope ours don't close down. It's another home to me.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Good, walmart stinks.

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Mr Magic
My sig was lonely and needed a friend.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Keep in mind that connecting electrical wires with clips on the end to the hair of two people, who then join their fingertips and toes together before counting to ten, will not result in those two individuals swapping identities via Vice Versa or Like Father, Like Son.

My son was so sure it would.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic
^ What is this, Freaky Friday?

Anyway, Zoolander 2 hits theatres next month. Did anyone even like the first one?
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"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Yes, it's hilarious
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