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Forum » Chew The Fat » The Café
Mr Magic
I know what you mean!

I'm glad I don't have the kind of parents Gordie had.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
The Philadelphia Eagles are playing against my Atlanta Falcons.

I hope the new Falcons coach can lead ATL to football glory.

As for the Eagles, I hope their fans will be more mature this season.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Could someone explain this to me?

This was part of an ad that was visible in my Yahoo! mail page. What is Teen Wolf doing in this ad?
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Today at Wal-Mart, I picked up some more retro DVD goodness for my collection:

Bewitched seasons 1 and 2.
Miami Vice season 1
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

If you eat a piece of pumpkin pie with sugar free whipped cream, that cancels out the calories and sugar from the pie... right?
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You love this signature.
shakin steak
No. But a couple gallons of water might. Then all you have to worry about is dilutional hyponatremia!
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The new moonspell album that came out this year is really good. There have been a lot of good or great albums that came out this year so far.
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Mr Magic
Yogi Berra died.
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"Magic can happen to you."

So two pirate ships sailed by our area today. You know... just another day on the Ohio River.

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You love this signature.
You should have shot cannons at them.
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