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shakin steak
haha. I think that's why it's in Schaumburg instead of the city. This is competing with Red Lobster and Ruby Tuesday for sure. Schaumburg is just for rubes.
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Mr Magic
Have these nimrods learned nothing from Footloose?
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

Have these nimrods learned nothing from Footloose?
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I think there are fads that kids pick up on and run with that get a significant amount of flack even though they are really fairly innocent, and don't really cause much trouble. This is NOT one of them. Pretending to have sex through dance moves is still inappropriate in most peoples eyes, especially when performed by children and teens. Around here, the students would all be kicked out of the dance and made to serve detention. Moreover, kids (including those of my own generation) never have failed to amaze me with their inability to see how stupid they look when doing things of this nature. That's easier to see in hindsight, but still... were we that blind to our moronic actions?

As anti-authority as kids were in my high school years, it was still a sure thing that if you were dancing inappropriately (especially placing your hands in certain areas during slow dances), you were going to hear from a teacher or parent in attendance there, and you WEREN'T going to do it again.
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Mr Magic
The Houston Astros beat the Yankees to advance in the Playoffs, and now, the Chicago Cubs are whipping Pittsburgh 4-0!

I've died and gone to the Twilight Zone.
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You know, eons ago my friend Phil and I recorded one episode of our "radio" program, What Do You Do?, and in it I poorly execute a short round up of the days sporting events. One of those events was a game between the Royals and the Astros (I had no understanding of leagues or divisions then mind you). My friend thought my ignorance was hilarious and giggles all throughout my commentary.

I think he now owes me some kind of apology.

I'm still hoping for a miracle Blue Jays vs. Redskins matchup though.
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Mr Magic
Guitar Hero is back, but can it regain the popularity it once had?
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thecrow174 wrote :

Guitar Hero is back, but can it regain the popularity it once had?
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I saw this in Walmart the other day, or a promotional display of it anyway. I've been seeing this new thing called PlayMation from Disney where you can use Avengers figures to do battle with these little stands and an app on your iPad, but I don't know much about it.

Could someone here give me some incite into how good this is? Blueluigi? Anybody?
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Mr Magic
If the new GH game does well, it could spark a revival of other music-themed games like Rock Band and Dance Dance Revolution.
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Vaporman87 wrote :

Could someone here give me some incite into how good this is? Blueluigi? Anybody?
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That's the first I've heard of PlayMation myself, so I have no idea what it is. Looking at it, it seems to be another cheap cash-in to Skylanders, but for mobile devices. It's interesting how Disney made another toy-to-game device. I would think Disney Infinity would be enough. In fact, I think you might be better off sticking to that.
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blueluigi wrote :
Looking at it, it seems to be another cheap cash-in to Skylanders, but for mobile devices.
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Did you see that Nintendo even allowed Donkey Kong, Bowser, and perhaps others to appear as Skylanders in certain limited edition Skylanders sets?
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