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Forum » Chew The Fat » Last Movie You Watched
On Deadly Ground (1994)

8/10 Good movie. Movies about nature/the wilderness a usually good.
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Mr Magic
Not one of Seagal's better films imo.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Dawg Fight (2015) 

7/10 A good documentary about backyard fighters trying to get noticed on youtube/ the internet and become pro fighters.
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Dawg Fight (2015) 

7/10 A good documentary about backyard fighters trying to get noticed on youtube/ the internet and become pro fighters.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
Iron Monkey

Original version. Sooooooooo much better than the remake, which is just as good. I am absolutely in love with this karate film! I just adore it! It's become a new favorite of mine.

It would be wrong to give it 5 stars, so how about...

A billion?
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Vampire in Brooklyn - 5/10: I remember this coming out when I was around 10 or so and really wanting to see it. Almost twenty-years later, I finally watched it. I was expecting it to be extremely bad due to its reputation, but it was harmless enough. An okay way to kill 90 minutes.

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Strange Magic (2015)

A forgetful fairy tale musical, with all the excitement of grass growing. The only bright spot would be the animation, which was really well done. It probably isn't surprising that George Lucas came up with the story for this one.

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You love this signature.
Zombeavers (2014)

8/10 Very cool fun movie. It was cool that bill burr was in this even though it was a small part. The effects/puppets were good. I really liked the part that was like whack-a-mole. Some very funny parts. I liked the music score, it made me think of the music of horror movies from the 1970s/1980s like phantasm or the fog.  But some of the main characters were very annoying but it was so good when they eventually get killed.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic

I saw that for the first time awhile back. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

Initially when I heard about this movie, it didn't interest me and seemed a little too new wave weeabooish. But within the first 5 minutes I was hooked and entertained the whole way through. Great video game tie ins, and I love the style. Awesome, awesome movie.

4/5 Stars.
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