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Helen Slater. And Christian Slater was also in it.
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Mr Magic
I'm watching The Hitcher.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
The Hitcher was very intense. I love the horror and action sequences it has. I'll have to check it out again sometime. I loved it!

4 1/2 stars!
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"Magic can happen to you."

JFK (1991)

7/10 very good. my only problem with it is that it was a little long,
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Jrs1991 wrote :

JFK (1991)

7/10 very good. my only problem with it is that it was a little long,
-end quote
A very convincing theory, and a very good movie. I agree with you there.
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You love this signature.
Freedom Riders it was for my Poli Sci class. We are on the civil rights chapter.
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shakin steak
Hero - 1992 - Dustin Hoffman is a loser headed for jail who ends up in the right time and place to save a crashed plane full of people, then disappears. His friend takes credit for the rescue when a reporter wants the story. The plot is rather predictable and shallow, but it managed to hold my interest. TV (This TV) 3/5
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Mr Magic
Black Dog

Patrick Swayze is not that bad of an action star. This film is kind of like Smokey and the Bandit. It involves a cross country trip, there's semi-tractor trailers and it takes place in the south. Pretty cool film.

3 stars!
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"Magic can happen to you."

Time Cop (1994, 2004 and 1889)

Man, this is just the type of movie my dad would pick up from the video store on a Friday night. My mom would be completely disinterested and go to bed. Me and my brother would stay up and watch it with him. There was a little T&A but my dad wouldn't make us close our eyes or anything so it was always a blast. He'd fall asleep about 30 minutes and so would my brother, leaving me to watch the violence and mayhem alone. Good times.

Of course the movie itself is horrid in a realistic sense. The time travel plot has more holes than a box of Cheerios. The future of 2004 in the movie is basically 1994 but with ridiculous looking futuristic minivans  with auto pilot. In the end Van Damme saves his pregnant wife from being murdered and returns to the future and drives home to his now 10 year old son who's seeing for the first time. Gotta love it.

I'm giving this doozy a 3.5/5 just based on nostalgia.
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shakin steak
vkimo wrote :
The future of 2004 in the movie is basically 1994 but with ridiculous looking futuristic minivans  with auto pilot.
-end quote
So, more accurate than most future movies
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