shoot your
eye out.
shoot your
eye out.



Don't mess
with the bull.

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Comments: 43
Forum Posts: 75
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AceNThaHole |
Forum Posts
- What's up folks. Ace is here.
- For me it was Gremlins. And after that I had to have everyth
- I purchased a collection of Laser Discs from my cousin and n
- I love watching the Treehouse of Horror episodes as a Hallow
- So how's that condensed forum posts thing work anyway? Seems
- Blasphemy! Nothing will ever beat Pacman fever!
- I remember that Chambers dunk and of course the Jordan free
- I came here to kick *!@ and chew gum, and I'm all outta gum.
- Be excellent to each other. (Bill & Ted)
- Most memorable field trip was to a local business that made
- This was a forgetful movie. I don't know what it was, but I
- We used to play cards occasionally on trips but you didn't w
- Is it just wrong for me to post in a thread about a series o
- Any news on this? I hadnt seen anything on this lately.
- The movie is a real classic that Ive watched more times than
- Howard The Duck was a good movie, but yeah Howard's suit was
- I had one of these many many moons ago and I would like
- I heart Elisabeth Shue movies
- Welcome vkimo. But please pee elsewhere.
- Some of the cards entered are gutbusters, and others just su
- Benjanime wrote : this beast. it also plays imports!
- I havent seen one ever before. Got to keep my eye out cuz th
- I havent seen this one yet. Whats the damage?
- Well, Dad it didn't pass me by. It landed on my face. (Teen
- Another Elisabeth Shue movie. Yummy
- My personal favorites were my collection of Thundercats toys
- Late last year I received a copy of Golgo 13 that still had
- Too bad things like xband don't exist now, only using cable
- I have a bunch of soundtracks but not many from older movies
- I just remember the line from Wayne's World where the arcade
- This was a favorite of mine
- Way to go shakin steak
- That second picture looks like somebody murdered the egg
- The last theme park I was in was Six Flags. It's not quite D
- Hi, make yourself at home.
- Congrats to the winners. I liked all the articles
- I liked your Rocko story. Your a good storyteller
- Mega Man is a series that goes on forever. It will never sto
- I have not bought any retro discs in a while,
- I think that is something that is set by the person who uplo
- My favorite snack any time was and still is Nilla Wafers
- I have Irish in my blood line but never did alot to celebrat
- Welcome back man
- Thursday nights are probably better for me and between 8 pm
- My cake was always made by my mother. She tried very hard to
- If you would choose hi-fi over Dolby 7.1 DTS
- If you still use the phrase"I'll be back"
- The ice cream shop down the street opens in the spring after
- If you feel the need, the need for speed!
- Vaporman87 wrote :Not exactly, however I have found myself
- If you ever pretended to be Atreyu
- Thats great stuff. I wish had the knowhow to pull it off
- Its too bad. He had a heart for movies
- I enjoyed the first one so I would be willing to check this
- Looking forward to this
- if you believe no woman will ever be hotter than Farrah
- Vaporman87 wrote : thecrow174 wrote :I imagine this film
- Illogical - Star Trek
- I have had the Wii for years but never one time purchased an
- Freddy without Robert England just is not Freddy
- I still have that Star Wars figure case of Darth vader somew
- It might seem like a bit creepy but I like to stop by gravey
- that song about walking 5000 miles has been in my head since
- I could hold my own on the wood back in the day. my buds and
- I missed getting a free Star Wars ship That sucks
- Crap I wanted to buy the mark twain X(X(
- I ordered Sharries Berries. so hopefully they taste good cuz
- I love Stan Lee! He does the narration on the show on netfli
- Im thinking of spending my cash from our yard sale this week
- I played Virtual Fighter alot back in the day, it was one of
- "Taste long lasting freshness with Big Red!"
- Its such a funny show. I need to get netflix so I can see th
- Vaporman87 wrote : Which love
- if you still feather your hair
- My favorite superhero movie ever was Superman 2.
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