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shakin steak wrote :

How far is it to Pomeroy?
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It's about 10 minutes by car. So not feasible on a bike. But simply riding back to the house and heading out in the truck wouldn't be that big a deal.  Or doing what vkimo suggested.
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So right now I’m sitting in the waiting area of the Emergency Room, only this time it’s for me.

The last couple days I’ve experienced two different episodes of “Thunderclap Headaches”. These are headaches that rapidly occur (within seconds) and peak quickly, then fade away. They were both triggered by intimacy ( that’s as much as I’ll say about that). My research into them suggested I visit the ER ASAP, as they can be signs of serious conditions in the brain.

However, I’m wondering if mine are somehow connected to an issue I’ve been having with my right shoulder the past two months. I had been working out, and one day woke up with a pinched nerve feeling all the way down my right arm. I would only feel it when my arm/shoulder was in a certain position. But the last few days, a mild numbness has been present in my right forefinger constantly, instead of just when I’m in a certain position.

Hoping to have a CT scan of my brain and whatever else may be necessary to eliminate the possibility of brain hemorrhage or aneurysm and the like

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UPDATE: My CT scan was normal. So glad for that. Next I’ll see a neurologist at some point in the future to further diagnose it

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Whoa! Glad your noodle is okay. Hopefully they figure it out quickly.

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Vaporman87 wrote :

They were both triggered by intimacy ( that’s as much as I’ll say about that). My research into them suggested I visit the ER ASAP, as they can be signs of serious conditions in the brain.

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Wow, if that's the case I need to take my wife to the ER 4 times a week..

In all seriousness though, I hope it's just one of those odd things that fade away. The shoulder thing almost sounds like tennis elbow, I definitely had the numb finger thing before, usually my elbow was inflamed or something. Maybe look into collagen supplement to help with your joints.

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Yeah. Might have her head checked out.

Really though, the doctor seemed to think there is a high probability that I’ve developed coital headaches. If that’s true, at least it is easily treated. It’s pretty rare though: like 1 in 2,000.

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Rick Ace Rhodes
Good to hear that it's not that serious Vaporman.
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shakin steak
Problems from working out, problems from sex... man getting old sucks!

I was limping around for a few days last week. I think I pushed something too hard riding my bike or moving it around, or running up the stairs, or something... ugh!

On the plus side, I had been eating an egg for breakfast every day. They say avoid cholesterol but they also say eggs are good cholesterol, so with along with avoiding processed foods I figured it was good for me. Well... one week we were running low on the things. So I found myself something else to eat, leaving the eggs for Mrs steak since she needs her routine when it comes to breakfast.

Now, I've taken to weighing myself daily, and I was sort of satisfied, although some days edging up higher than I wanted to. But since I stopped eating a daily egg, I've dropped 20 pounds! I want to lose 10 more, but it has slowed down and I'm fluctuating here. Pretty good for now though.
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Since we all seem to be in a slump, I'll share mine.

I've been having some pretty bad brain fog. It's like I'll instantly lose my train of thought, sometimes it even happens while talking to someone. I think I can attribute it to lack of sleep, I don't have insomnia but I only get about 6.5 hours of sleep a night - which normally wouldn't be bad but I'm at the gym at 5am, then have a very physical job for the rest of the day. I must be consuming 350-400 grams of caffeine a day. My goal is to get another hour of sleep and cut my caffeine intake by a third and see if that helps.
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@shakin: It’s great to hear that you’ve shed some pounds! Well done sir. Keep up the good work.

@vkimo: I imagine that anybody surviving on little sleep and lots of caffeine would suffer a similar fog. Hope your plan of attack works out well. You need energy to keep being a viral star. :lol

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