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Forum » Chew The Fat » Retro-Daze let's get healthy!

Thanks for that heads up Bue, and for your prayers Rick. I appreciate them both

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Nothing like starting out the day with a prostate exam

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Rick Ace Rhodes
Vaporman87 wrote :

Nothing like starting out the day with a prostate exam

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I hope for your sake the doctor's fingernails were cut.
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*Insert funny signature here*
Ever since I started my moving job, I've noticed my belt is getting drawn in closer and closer, I'm one away from the smallest notch. Interestingly though my weight hasn't dropped, that's kind of cool 
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Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :

Vaporman87 wrote :

Nothing like starting out the day with a prostate exam

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I hope for your sake the doctor's fingernails were cut.
-end quote
Well thankfully it was a female with slender hands who was very gentle.

vkimo wrote :

Ever since I started my moving job, I've noticed my belt is getting drawn in closer and closer, I'm one away from the smallest notch. Interestingly though my weight hasn't dropped, that's kind of cool 
-end quote
It didn't look like those flag shorts had a belt on them. Strange. Those ARE the only pants you wear, correct?
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They've adhered to my skin, I can't get them off.
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vkimo wrote :

They've adhered to my skin, I can't get them off.
-end quote
Well at least your 100% patriot, 100% of the time now. Nobody will ever doubt that.
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shakin steak
vkimo wrote :

shakin steak wrote :

vkimo wrote :

Ever try Dave's Killer Bread?
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No, I haven't. It sounds...killer. Is it as expensive in the store as it is to mail order ($23 for two loaves)?

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I think it was like $6-7 a loaf back in California. On the east coast  I'd have to mail order and no bread is worth $23.

-end quote

Well. I saw Dave's Killer Bread in a store the other day and bought a skinny-sliced loaf. It's really good. So far I have had it for toast, cold sandwich, and grilled cheese. It's good for everything. Now I might not buy it often, since it hasn't appeared yet in any of my four regular grocery stores; and Mrs steak can't eat it (allergies); but I do recommend it for sure. Thanks, years later, for telling me about it.
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The wife and I have been giving the 100 pushups for 100 days challenge a try. After day two I couldn't even do one pushup for the next two days. LOL. I think I can get back on track now.
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When I workout I try not to exercise the same group of muscles consecutive days in a row. I give them day or two break so they can heal
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Wir sprechen zu viel, aber wir sehen zu wenig.
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