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Forum » RetroDaze Theater » RetroDaze Christmas Special
Mr Magic
This is just a suggestion, but you can add this.

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Michael (Duke from G.I. Joe/Raziel from Soul Reaver) Bell is apparently sending in his reading for his cameo in the Christmas Special today. Can't wait to hear it!!!
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I was just sitting here listening to Michael Bell and Larry Kenney's voice overs for the special. These guys are so great. Just super good sports. I can't say how much I appreciate their time and effort.
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I have chosen the 3 Christmas Specials that will be a part of this year's... errr, Christmas Special. This time I've gone with some more obscure choices that perhaps not everyone has seen, and can enjoy for the first time ever this year. 
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Mr Magic
I was just watching the end of the Brady Bunch Christmas episode where Carol loses her voice at the time you made that post.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Caps 2.0
Any famous women lined up for cameos in the Christmas special this year?
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Caps 2.0 wrote :

Any famous women lined up for cameos in the Christmas special this year?
-end quote
I'm not sure yet. I've done my part. Just waiting to receive a reply.
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Alrighty boys and girls. We're going to shoot for Saturday, December 19th as our night for this year's Christmas Special. Doors open at 7:30 PM EST. Movie at 8:00 PM EST.

This year will feature two new cameos, with G.I. Joe's Duke (Michael Bell), and Tawny Kitaen (Bachelor Party, Witchboard), as well as an additional scene with Lion-O (Larry Kenney) at the end. There will also be some Christmas greetings for RetroDaze members interspersed within the show, from Claudia Wells (Jennifer Parker - Back To The Future), Antonio Fargas (Huggy Bear - Starsky and Hutch), "Mean" Gene Okerlund (WWF), and Tawny Kitaen. 3 different classic Christmas specials will be included this year. Keeping those a surprise. 
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Mr Magic
Mean Gene's a good guy, despite his name.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

I'm psyched for Mean Gene!
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