I'm on
the naughty
Forum » RetroDaze Theater » RetroDaze Christmas Special
unfortunately i work that day from 5 to 9, but i'm off on the 21st an onward until new year's eve. i'll be going by flight travel to visit my parents in virginia around the 23rd
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured
I had said that Friday was the 19th, but it's actually the 20th. So the 21st would be Saturday. Would that day work for others too? Let me know if there is a conflict so we can try to piece together a date/time.
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I'd be up for it on Friday. I might have plans, but we'll see.
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Mr Magic
I might make it.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

So, is it Friday or Saturday then? Cause Ben has to work on Friday, so does Saturday work, or...?
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Vaporman87 wrote :

So, is it Friday or Saturday then? Cause Ben has to work on Friday, so does Saturday work, or...?
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vkimo wrote :

Vaporman87 wrote :

So, is it Friday or Saturday then? Cause Ben has to work on Friday, so does Saturday work, or...?
-end quote

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Saturday would work best also Vkimo I love this song

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Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to attend if it's on Saturday. I already have plans booked on that day.
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After consulting with the wife, it looks like Saturday is going to be the night of choice. We are also going to be busy at certain times during that evening, so it's not clear whether or not I would be around Friday to start the show.

The official date and time:

Saturday, December 21st: 8:30 PM EST

The show will also be available either here or on Vimeo, YouTube, or some other video sharing site in the days following the viewing in the theater, so if you're not able to attend the live viewing, it will be up for you to view any time thereafter. I'll let you know where when the time comes, here in this thread.
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At long last... the invite...

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