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That was from my own childhood.
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Mr Magic Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Out all the shows in existence, why the Teletubbies? I mean, they are not BAD, but they are not what I would call "educative" either. And the franchise has been dead for too long anyway.
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"Even though I'm cheating like a btard, this is still surprisingly hard" - Ross Scott.

Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk about stuff. I'm always open to listening.
Mr Magic
I'm sure they won't have a long comeback.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
I'm liking these new Avengers Dr. Pepper cans.

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"Magic can happen to you."

Those aren't new are they? Those are from the previous film. Here are the new ones...

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Mr Magic
My mistake. Thanks, Vapor. Those look much improved.
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"Magic can happen to you."

I think I'm liking Hawkeye's outfit better in this one. Digging the trenchcoatish design. Not sure what Mark Iron Man's armor is in this one, but it's looking pretty cool as well. Even so, the Hulkbuster armor is what I want to see!

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Mr Magic
The Thor one looks really sharp.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Vaporman87 wrote :

I think I'm liking Hawkeye's outfit better in this one. Digging the trenchcoatish design. Not sure what Mark Iron Man's armor is in this one, but it's looking pretty cool as well. Even so, the Hulkbuster armor is what I want to see!

-end quote
My biggest beef with superhero costumes in Hollywood is the refusal to wear masks. The whole time it's like "hey it's me Hugh Jackman" instead of putting the mask on and sticking to the character. Or like in Spider-Man 3 with Topher Grace constantly popping his head out as Venom. 

The fact that they haven't been sticking to secret identities is going to make things tricky for the Civil War storyline. Like who actually has a secret identity (or at least not a painfully obvious one) aside from Captain America and Black Widow? 

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