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@Crow: I hope so, I have been already put thru my first Test of Faith and I don't know if I did well.
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"Even though I'm cheating like a btard, this is still surprisingly hard" - Ross Scott.

Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk about stuff. I'm always open to listening.
Silvervix wrote :

@Crow: I hope so, I have been already put thru my first Test of Faith and I don't know if I did well.
-end quote
Hang in there Silv.

In the meantime, let's take this conversation to the PMs. Best to keep fiery topics like religion and politics to a minimum.
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Mr Magic
Last year, CNN did a program that covered the 60s. This year, they're covering the 70s.

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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

Last year, CNN did a program that covered the 60s. This year, they're covering the 70s.
-end quote
Naturally there will be this giant focus on the gas shortage. There was so much more to the 70's than that.
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Mr Magic
Let's see:

Shows like M*A*S*H and All in the Family ruled television.
USA was still at war with Vietnam.
Disco was on the rise.

Just some examples.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Darn you Disneyland Hong Kong! Stark Industries isn't based in China!

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Mr Magic
New episodes of Clarence next week!

I so happy!

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Netflix took down Regular Show and Adventure Time. I not happy.
OK, there was only two seasons of Regular Show and I finished them. But I was just getting into Adventure Time.
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Mr Magic
Justin Bieber's entrance at the Roast.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Words cannot describe how much I am anticipating this:

Only have to wait a YEAR from now. Good grief!
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