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Happy Easter to y'all.
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"Even though I'm cheating like a btard, this is still surprisingly hard" - Ross Scott.

Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk about stuff. I'm always open to listening.
Happy Easter to everybody.
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Happy Easter, RetroDaze.
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"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Happy Eostre
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Mr Magic
Michael Keaton hosted Saturday Night Live the other night and the fans expected a revival of the memorable characters he played.

All they got were a couple of one-liners.

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"Magic can happen to you."

I saw that Michael Keaton intro bit. At least he did say the classic lines, "I'm Batman" and "It's showtime!"
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Yeah, there's that.

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"Magic can happen to you."

Today I caught the scent of cardboard, which normally would mean nothing. However, for some reason, today it brought back memories of carving up cardboard boxes from our furniture store appliances and such and forming them into massive mazes of tunnels and hideouts in our garage. Cutting them up with a steak knife, which became very hot to the touch from the friction. Stuff like that. It was... neat.
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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
So glad the Duke Blue Devils won their 5th National Title last night!

It's been a long time coming, but they've done it!
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"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
Vaporman87 wrote :
-end quote
That's an awesome memory. Not clear if you did it with your kids or when you were a kid yourself but it's awesome.

I know the power of the smell of a thing like cardboard.
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