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Displaying 371-380 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5404ArticlesplatkillwillI gushed over the Shock 'N' Rock in ads. Always jelly of my 2nd cousins Worm light. (they also had Red Blue and Yellow before I finally got Sliver with lawn mowing money). Had a weird neighbor with a Game Gear, I was like: what is this alien tech??The world of Game Boy Color AccessoriesMar 16, 2021View
5403ArticlesplatkillwillI got my first NES a little over 10 years after that. The PlayStation and N64 were the thing at the time. But I just remember 2 different uncles and one family friend raving about Super Mario Bros. I ended up getting one of said uncle's NES (and later his Apple //c) with Code Name: Viper, SMB/Duck Hunt, and The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World. My parents didn't like video games so I played in the garage with an old UHF/VHF TV my grandparents let me have from a shed.How I Got My NESMar 16, 2021View
5402ArticleVaporman87I have so many school stories I could go into here, but it would be the length of two articles here. SinIll just say that I can point to things that have relevance to each of the categories you’ve listed, although my own bus was a relatively peaceful one. Our driver was a grizzled old lady who took NO CRAP! If you didn’t want to spend any more time than was necessary to get home, you didn’t screw around or even get loud. She would just pull over and give you an evil look. Meanwhile everyone else on the bus would hate you for delaying getting home.The dreaded back to school phaseMar 13, 2021View
5401ArticleBenjanime@Julie i would have loved staying in the library for the same reason :D and i thank you for choosing me, my sweetheart ❤The dreaded back to school phaseMar 12, 2021View
5400ArticleJulieFor me, starting a new year was usually starting a different school. This had the advantage that no one knew me, so I was fortunate to start the year free from bullying. But that always changes in the first semester. Over the years I discovered an undisclosed way out: to stay inside the school library. So I could stay away from bullies and had the opportunity to know some interesting books. And the librarian befriended me, especially after knowing why I was avoiding to be out there in the presence of other students. I'm sorry that you weren't lucky in your schools too, my sweetheart. You deserve all my love. ❤❤The dreaded back to school phaseMar 12, 2021View
5399ArticleBenjanimecoincidentally i STILL know my free lunch keyboard input code, 0103128.The dreaded back to school phaseMar 12, 2021View
5398ArticlepikachuloverI remember I used keep breeding eevee, so I could have all the different ones. That was the first Pokemon game I beat. Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 25, 2021View
5397ArticleMr Magic"oh nice! i have the nintendo power player's guide :)" Sweet! If it weren't for the strategy guide, I don't think I would've gotten through the tricky ice cave.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 23, 2021View
5396ArticlevkimoI think Gold/Silver were the apex of Pokemon games. They took the original formula, added a few cool features and executed a wondeful game. I still remember the goofy phone calls I would make to the trainers in my contacts haha - although overall I think I enjoyed playing Sapphire Version the most. Really liked the secret hideouts.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 23, 2021View
5395ArticleVaporman87Or at least there should be more toys with front butt variants.Battling the TrollsFeb 19, 2021View