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Displaying 331-340 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5459ArticleBenjanimeah a fellow monster party player, nice!The NES Games I Remember Playing:Part 1Aug 07, 2021View
5458ArticleVaporman87What a great idea for an article! Man, there are a wealth of things I’d like to have back. I still have cassette tapes that were meant to be used with the PXL2000, a low end video camera from Fisher-Price. It was my first video camera, and the video quality was black and white and pretty terrible. The version I got came with a small black and white TV that you could connect the camera to watch your videos. If I can find one online to buy someday, I can find out what is on those tapes. It would be the first time seeing their contents in over 3 decades. Other items I wish I still had… my Radio Shack Armatron, my programmable Big Trak, and my entire collection of Stomper vehicles and playset. There are several stuffed animals I wish I still had as well.The Things We've LostAug 07, 2021View
5457ArticleVaporman87Great list you have here! A nice mix of classics, oddities, and licensed properties. The Goonies II is a title I wish I would have owned back in the day. Knowing now that it was intended as a sequel to the film makes me feel like I missed out on the further adventures of the gang. I remember bits and pieces of my time playing Blaster Master with my stepbrother. Good times. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out and Double Dragon are simply unforgettable experiences. The fights in Punch-Out still give me anxiety! I would add Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Golgo-13, Bases Loaded, Metroid, and several others to my own list. I absolutely WORE OUT Bases Loaded. Loved that game. Ninja Gaiden opened my eyes to a new type of game… a cinematic style. Really look forward to what else you may have in store for us!The NES Games I Remember Playing:Part 1Aug 07, 2021View
5456Articleechidna64My friends group were predominantly collectors (I think we didn't fully understand the rules of the game). The Toys R Us held Pokemon TCG tournaments weekly. My goal was just to try to catch-em all. Later on I became a big fan of the Pokemon TCG on the Gameboy Color. That's where I truly learned the mechanics of the game. Pokemania: Pokemon Trading Card GameJul 07, 2021View
5455ArticleBenjanimeit must have been a thrill going to whatever card tournaments you could, since i wasn't into the card game for very long i never thought about going to them. though since living in virginia and knowing about a certain fellow named chris chan and hearing about his incidents in one of the areas that held their own card game tournaments, maybe it's for the best that i didn't have it on my mind lol.Pokemania: Pokemon Trading Card GameJul 06, 2021View
5454Articlerakesh Characters Who Got StupidJul 05, 2021View
5453ArticlerakeshTestSitcom Characters Who Got StupidJul 05, 2021View
5452ArticleoniparOh yeah! I forgot to mention the trading cards like Batman. I used to buy those there a lot. The Corner StoreJun 27, 2021View
5451ArticleoniparLoved Hey Arnold too! Doug and his fall from graceJun 27, 2021View
5449ArticleBenjanime@Mr Magic I'll take a few! @onipar yeah i don't think i even finished watching the whole disney series when i was little, hey arnold was starting to become popular too, so that might have been the reason. @Julie thankfully i now have the nick series on dvd for us both to watch, my love ❤ thank you always for your support in reading my articles ^^Doug and his fall from graceJun 26, 2021View