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Forum » Retro People & Events » Halloween Nostalgia & More!

thecrow174 wrote :
I can't wait til AMC airs horror marathons again this year. That's MY idea of Halloween Nostalgia!

10 years ago I would have said the same for myself. However, now that I have 3 children, I feel a similar sense of Halloween nostalgia when we watch children's Halloween programming, or stick in a Halloween episode of their favorite shows.
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Saw this in Target. What's with the sudden and widespread fascination with zombies?

The premise is pretty simple. Get him back together before time runs out. This seems like a good game for a Halloween Party. This, and that 70's game called "Screech!"

Just so you know, this is the face I make after a 7 hour trip on the road with 3 small kids.

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Mr Magic
The fascination may have to do with The Walking Dead.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

An email I received reminded me that I am still an affiliate of Spirit. So if you're figuring on buying something there, use this banner and it'll help out RetroDaze.

Be your own superhero with superhero costumes from Spirit Halloween!
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Some straight grocery stores do a decent job of getting into the Halloween season, but few are as good at it as Kroger. Here are just a few images from one of my local Kroger stores (who DID NOT have the Monster Cereals yet! I'll never find them!!!):

Ty Mini Beanies:

FisherPrice Halloween Wheelies:

Kroger's Halloween "Alley":

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Mr Magic
"Scary low prices"

How scary are they? Like at $0.50?
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

As low prices go, they weren't THAT scary.
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Mr Magic
I wonder if anyone has given teenage trick-or-treaters ex-lax chocolates on Halloween.

"No, it's candy, I promise!"

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


thecrow174 wrote :

I wonder if anyone has given teenage trick-or-treaters ex-lax chocolates on Halloween.

Novartis should just manufacture chocolate Ex-Lax for the Halloween season.
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My dad said when he was a kid in SF, Willie Mays would give out silver dollars on Halloween.
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