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Week of 4/30/2015:

Wii U Virtual Console:

Paper Mario (N64)

This week marks the end of the lineup of DS and N64 titles planned for the Wii U Virtual Console. There still has yet to be more N64 titles announced, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they come out next. Hopefully, we'll start seeing more N64 titles in the future. The original Wii didn't have a huge lineup of N64 titles, so I hope the Wii U will bring in more.

Paper Mario, as some may know, was originally planned on being titled Super Mario RPG 2. But because Nintendo and Square had a falling out, Intelligent Systems began handling this title. The Thousand Year Old Door may have been a better game, but the N64 is still a good addition on it's own. At least it's a lot better than Sticker Star. Yeah... while I do find Miyamoto to be a genius when it comes to game development, and I have nothing against the guy whatsoever... I do think he screwed up with Sticker Star.

Also released on the Wii U eShop this week is amiibo Tap: Nintendo's Greatest Bits. It's where you use an Amiibo you have, and you unlock free demos of NES and SNES games available on Virtual Console. I tried it out with my Kirby and Sonic amiibo. My Kirby amiibo unlocks the demo to the original Legend of Zelda. By tapping the amiibo on the Wii U gamepad, it allows you to switch between different scenes. I got to say though... fighting virtually every boss battle in the original NES Zelda all in about 10 seconds doesn't feel as satisfying as playing them in the actual game. At least my Sonic amiibo brings in a better demo... which is Kirby's Adventure. That allows you to play through different scenes from the game, and they're not all boss battles. I got to admit, this does make me want to buy more amiibos to see what demos they unlock. But also, the more amiibos I have... the more they'll kick my ass in Super Smash Bros.
Quote Disable Sigs
Wow. Why does ten bucks feel steep to me for Paper Mario?
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic
I had fun times with Paper Mario.

Who could forget these TMNT wannabes?
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

if they start releasing n64 titles that weren't originally on the old wii virtual console, i'd REALLY love to see pilotwings 64 get a release. who's with me?

as for paper mario being around ten bucks, i think it's worth it. the wiiu allows for upscaled resolution, so i have no problem with it. plus i originally downloaded the game on my wii, so i got a $2 discount
Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Week of 5/7/2015

Wii U Virtual Console

Mega Man and Bass (GBA)

Metal Marines (SNES)

This week marks the return of Mega May. Yes, all this month, we're going to be seeing some more Mega Man titles released, and this time around, it's all GBA titles being released for the Wii U Virtual Console. Mega Man and Bass is a pretty good one to start off with. Out of all the Mega Man games I played, this one is indeed the hardest one out of all of them. Which is interesting considering the game is a remake of a Japanese only SNES game that was designed to be an alternative to those who do not own Mega Man 8... or even a Playstation or Sega Saturn.

While Mega Man and Bass wasn't a bad game, the GBA version did have it's own set of problems. Specifically, the screen crunch, which was very common for GBA remakes released at the time. The English version had it's own set of problems, such as the translation. Some of the robot masters would make awful pop culture references as a way of appealing to the modern audience.

Also, on a sidenote that's not related to the Virtual Console, but is still Mega Man related, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne has been released on the Playstation Store as part of PSone Classics. While it's still not Mega Man Legends, it is a good first step to seeing the two games get released on the Playstation Store. It still wouldn't make up for the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, with CRAPCOM being too greedy and not caring about the fans.

As for Metal Marines... I don't have too much to say about that. But it seems that despite Natume's statement that Nintendo may be shifting away from SNES titles, this feels like a response to what they said about that. But I guess time we'll tell if we really do stop seeing SNES titles on the Wii U Virtual Console for good. Though, what's interesting about this title is that even though it came out first in Europe, it still has not been released on their Virtual Console service. Not for the Wii or the Wii U.
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
I never heard of Metal Marines.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

i'm surprised that you could handle mega man and bass, blue. i almost had a ragequit at burner man's stage, and one of the tower fights in which you had to run from a giant fist that would take out platforms made me give up entirely. but what i'm surprised about most is how that game got the first vote. i'll just play tron bonne instead.

as for their excuse this time in not releasing mega man legends 1 and 2, some have speculated THIS to be the problem:

Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
WARNING! WARNING! Mega May continues for the week of 5/15/2015.

Wii U Virtual Console:

Megaman Battle Network 3: Blue Version (GBA)

Megaman Battle Network 3: White Version (GBA)

New Super Mario Bros (DS)

Ah... yes. I still remember when New Super Mario Bros came out. It may be slightly milked today, but when it came out for the DS, fans had been waiting for a new Mario side-scroller platform title. Personally, I enjoyed New Super Mario Bros Wii a lot more. The other games in the New Super Mario Bros series that came out for the 3DS and Wii U on the other hand, I didn't really. New Super Mario Bros U was okay, but it was ridiculously easy. I felt that game had virtually no challenge whatsoever. But I hated New Super Mario Bros 2 for the 3DS. New Super Luigi U was kind of the best of the NSMB games to come out in this current gen, but even then, games like Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze are much better titles.

Sega's next game in their 3D classics lineup is 3D Thunder Blade. This was one of Sega's arcade titles that was ported to many different computer systems as well as the Sega Master System. Despite being on the Master System, the only port that came anywhere close to living up to the arcade title is the Sharp X68000 version.
Quote Disable Sigs
blueluigi wrote :
Sega's next game in their 3D classics lineup is 3D Thunder Blade. This was one of Sega's arcade titles that was ported to many different computer systems as well as the Sega Master System. Despite being on the Master System, the only port that came anywhere close to living up to the arcade title is the Sharp X68000 version.
-end quote
Quote Disable Sigs
in my opinion the first two battle network games were alright. i can't say much for the later ones though, i hate when sequels start feeling too samey, much like the god of war series.
Quote Disable Sigs
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
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