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Displaying 48801-48810 of 48916 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
125Hey thereGreat to have you with us Harry. You and I share a love for all things MST3K. My favorite episodes are those with Mike. I know to some, that might be blasphemous, but I just think his humor is more in tune with mine than Joel's. Anyway, thanks for coming.Vaporman87Dec 11, 2012View
124Super Mario WorldSuper Mario World was one of my favorite games as a kid. The best Mario game in my opinion. (Yes, even better than SMB 3) I just wasn't able to beat it back then playing it in my Super Nintendo. Recently, I've downloaded it on an emulator and I've been able to finally beat the whole game. Great nostalgia from playing the game after so many years too!jprc10Dec 11, 2012View
123BatmanI agree completely. Burton's first Batman movie was the best out of all the movies that came out afterwards, including the versions from Nolan and Schumacher. The movie had great action scenes, fantastic performances, Gotham was portrayed right, great story and it was even funny and witty as evidenced by the quote posted here. I still think Keaton was the best Batman and Jack Nicholson the best Joker ever, by far. jprc10Dec 11, 2012View
122Mystery Science Theater 3000I wasn't a big fan of their remake of Plan 9 from Outer Space, but other than that it was pretty good...shakin steakDec 11, 2012View
121Transformers: Prime - The best show since G1??? What about Beast Wars? what did you think of that?HarryCanyonDec 11, 2012View
120A Christmas Story (1983) Same here when i was 5 it introduced me to Ovaltine as i enjoyed it. Ovaltine, a crummy commercial? sonofabetchHarryCanyonDec 11, 2012View
119My thoughts on the final Nintendo Power issue Been subscribing to that magazine since i was 6 and i'm very sad it's dead now and the last issue was worth it.HarryCanyonDec 11, 2012View
118Al BundyGotta love Al Bundy. He helped make Married with Children one of the funniest sitcoms on television.blueluigiDec 11, 2012View
116My thoughts on the final Nintendo Power issueWhile it is sad that Nintendo Power is ending, it's also not that surprising to me since there are much better video game magazines out there like GameInformer. I was a subscriber to Nintendo Power not too long ago, and the most recent issues to me felt like nothing more than just one big Nintendo advertisement. Not to mention that they would usually give all positive reviews on their Nintendo products no matter how good or bad that game is. As far as the last issue goes. I might still check it out. It looks like they're paying tribute to when Nintendo Power was in it's prime, so I am willing to check that out.blueluigiDec 11, 2012View
115Re-Imaginings of 3 of the 1980's MOTU Create-A-Character Contest FinalistsWow. Seriously, great artwork, Vaporman. DerkDec 11, 2012View