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Displaying 39711-39720 of 49046 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
9844Mighty Morphin Power Rangers<span style="font-weight: bold;">@pikachulover:</span> I think you have every right to be skeptical. It seems very few in Hollywood realize that their needs to be a hefty appreciation for the property you're handling. Their needs to be more motivation than just a paycheck. "Avengers" is one of those projects that demonstrated what can be done when that is the case.<br>Vaporman87Jul 17, 2014View
9843Cartman<blockquote rel="blueluigi"><b>blueluigi wrote :</b><br><i> A Steve Urkel sleeping bag? DID I DO THAT?<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'm guessing his mom got him into Family Matters.<br><br>Mr MagicJul 17, 2014View
9842Cartman<span style="font-weight: bold;">@vkimo:</span> You're not really missing anything. When one of your characters is a walking piece of poop, you know you are scraping the bottom of the barrel for laughs. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Jul 17, 2014View
9841CartmanI don't think I ever saw a full episode of South Park. It seems to have its moments, but mostly seems like cheap humor. Although having not watched it I guess I can't make that call.<br>vkimoJul 17, 2014View
9840CartmanA Steve Urkel sleeping bag? DID I DO THAT?<br>blueluigiJul 17, 2014View
9839Mighty Morphin Power RangersWhen I heard about a 3rd film being made. I was like "What?!". There were already 2 films made in the 90s. I don't know I'm kinda skeptical about it. After I saw those re-imagined episodes from the 90s I'm not sure what to think anymore. They'd probably make the theme song dubstep or something.<br>pikachuloverJul 17, 2014View
9838Cartman<img style="width: 431px; height: 328px;" src="/images/postImages/1405561891index.jpg">Mr MagicJul 17, 2014View
9837OreosPrecisely! Remember New Coke? It tasted to bad it put the old Coke back on top!<br>vkimoJul 16, 2014View
9836OreosRight <span style="font-weight: bold;">vkimo</span>. So in the customer's mind, it goes something like this:<br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">"Oooh! Chocolate Brussel Sprout Corn Flakes! Wierd... I have to try those."<br><br>"Wow... these are just nasty. I wish I had a bowl of just plain old Corn Flakes."<br><br>"Ah. Corn Flakes. These should cleanse my defiled palette."<br><br>"Why did I buy these? I don't even really like Corn Flakes."</span><br>Vaporman87Jul 16, 2014View
9835OreosI think all those flavors are used to attract customers who will eat the special flavor, not like it, and buy the original. Thus fortifying the flagship flavor.<br>vkimoJul 16, 2014View