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Displaying 29421-29430 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20391The Goonies (and it's sequel!)<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Yeah. I prefer my Gizmo, furry. <img src="/images/smilies/MavLaughOutLoud.gif"><br> <br> I think it would be neat if they introduced some third race of creature that both Gremlins and Mogwais had to defeat, together. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Yes! And that's why they exist to be the balance together against this foe.. Brilliant!EISXUOISMay 02, 2015View
20390How was your day?yeah, the ol' c word did have me worried for a while but i'm glad it was nothing too much to be concerned over. i should've brought my 3DS though, the wait for it was much longer than the procedure itself.<br>BenjanimeMay 02, 2015View
20389How was your day?I didn't know that Ben. Glad they were proactive and got it removed. Any time they throw around the word "cancer" for any reason, it's as scary a thing as can exist. Thankfully some are far easier to manage.<br>Vaporman87May 02, 2015View
20388Greatest series of games you ever playedseeing as how i grew up with super mario and the teenage mutant ninja turtles games by konami, both series would take my vote. i slowly got into the phantasy star series thanks to mezase master referring it to me, and lastly i like the final fantasy series up until IX. yeah it's all fun and games until a whiny protagonist comes along.<br>BenjanimeMay 02, 2015View
20387How was your day?i had to request a day off of work for a scheduled dermatology surgery today. if i haven't told you guys already, a discolored mole was spotted during my last checkup, and was said to have cancerous cells. so this afternoon i had about a three hour wait until they were ready to remove the thing and stitch me up afterward. of course getting stitches can't be complete without needing a prescription of painkillers, so i'll be taking one of them every few hours until the stitches dissolve. so far it hasn't been too uncomfortable, but i'm managing with whatever pains i deal with.<br>BenjanimeMay 02, 2015View
20386Virtual Console Thursdaysif they start releasing n64 titles that weren't originally on the old wii virtual console, i'd REALLY love to see pilotwings 64 get a release. who's with me?<br><br><img style="width: 394px; height: 262px;" src="/images/postImages/1430542535pilotwings64.png"><br><br>as for paper mario being around ten bucks, i think it's worth it. the wiiu allows for upscaled resolution, so i have no problem with it. plus i originally downloaded the game on my wii, so i got a $2 discount :)<br>BenjanimeMay 02, 2015View
20385The CaféMan... Avengers: AoU looks like it is going to be HUGE! Even "huger" than the original in box office receipts. Can't wait to see on Monday afternoon!<br>Vaporman87May 02, 2015View
20384Last Movie You Watched<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> The Long Kiss Goodnight<br><br>Lot of thrills in this one. They sure turned the action up a notch. I love a chick with guns.<br><br>5 stars.<br><br><br><br><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Yeah that's a really great movie.Jrs1991May 02, 2015View
20383The GoldbergsSo I caught Dance Party USA and felt like it was a pretty decent episode. Not my favorite by far, but a good one nonetheless. I liked the whole pink eye fiasco. Vaporman87May 02, 2015View
20382Virtual Console ThursdaysI had fun times with Paper Mario.<br><br>Who could forget these TMNT wannabes?<br><br><a href=""></a><br>Mr MagicMay 02, 2015View