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Displaying 29261-29270 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20552Full House Jody Sweetin <a href="">opens up a bit</a> on her character for the upcoming show...<br>Vaporman87May 10, 2015View
20551How was your day?It was hot again today TDitH. So it was mostly an indoor day for us, doing some work on the house and such. In the evening I set up a little scavenger hunt for the kids (I do that sometimes) with a map and clues to chaos emeralds and finally to the Meowwy Wowwy gang. They enjoyed it. <br>Vaporman87May 10, 2015View
20550How was your day?<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Hoping for a relaxing one with lower temps than today's. It was in the 90's today.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>That's what we get normally down here Vapor. Though I'm hoping for a nice rain storm soon.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieMay 09, 2015View
20549Retro-Daze let's get healthy!I'll have to start trying that. Olive oil was a recommended thing for my diet. Salt... Not so much. Have to use some other flavoring.Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20548Full House Same here.<br><br>The voice of Aladdin is dressed as Aladdin.<br><br><img style="width: 528px; height: 297px;" src="/images/postImages/1431186224steve_blog.jpg"><br>Mr MagicMay 09, 2015View
20547Retro-Daze let's get healthy!I'm curious about that cereal. I'll look for it. Not sure about those flavors though. Maybe the honey. For me, the veggies are good cooked in an olive oil-coated frying pan, then salted.shakin steakMay 09, 2015View
20546TomorrowlandI was really excited for this film. I loved the pre-production hype with the whole briefcase full of 1950's Disney artifacts. I was really expecting the movie to have some 50's slant to it or at least channel some of that early Disney optimism. The trailers I've seen thus far have done nothing but disappoint me. Maybe I was just expecting something else from the early descriptions and teasers.&nbsp;massrealityMay 09, 2015View
20545Tomorrowland<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> I would like to know more about the plot. So far, the trailer I have seen revealed next to nothing about what is going on in the movie aside from this mysterious world you can be transported to.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I don't get it why were those people selected? Is it some type of apocalypse going on or something?<br>pikachuloverMay 09, 2015View
20544The CaféIt's looking like <a href="">Captain America: Civil War</a> is actually going to be Avengers 3 with a different name :lol:. And ooooh... Baron Zemo!<br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20543Full House Looks like one of the Olsen's is battling Lyme's Disease. Hope she handles it okay.<br><br><br><iframe scrolling="no" src="" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View