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Displaying 27891-27900 of 49032 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21945Last Movie You WatchedFlight 93 (2006)<div><br></div><div>8/10 This might be my favorite out of the three 9/11 movies i have watched.</div>Jrs1991Jul 11, 2015View
21944How was your day?We got some hard rain around here the other day with gusting winds up to 70 MPH.<br>Mr MagicJul 11, 2015View
21943Last Movie You Watched@vkimo: Awww... sorry it wasn't up to snuff for you. I actually enjoyed it. I think it was the best of the sequels (nothing will ever top the first one, naturally). My friend actually called the mosasaurus eating the hybrid, but I had no clue that was in the cards. The Goonies What is there to say that hasn't yet been said? It's a true classic. Here's to hoping for a successful and fun sequel. 4.25/5Vaporman87Jul 11, 2015View
21942Defunct Toy CompaniesStar Castles was apparently a pretty popular line of theirs. Also War Planets, which got its own cartoon series.Vaporman87Jul 11, 2015View
21941Ash vs. The Evil DeadWoah! I didn't know this was happening!!! This... Is... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!Vaporman87Jul 11, 2015View
21940Last Movie You WatchedLand of the Dead<br><br>Great modern horror epic! George Romero can still make a good zombie movie. I thought this one here was smarter than he looked.<br><br><img style="width: 482px; height: 248px;" src="/images/postImages/1436622948things-zombie-movies-stole-from-night-of-the-living-dead-big-daddy.jpg"><br><br>4 stars.<br><br>Mr MagicJul 11, 2015View
21939Ash vs. The Evil DeadYou dare doubt the unstoppable combination of Rami-Campbell? A pox on thee, sir!jkatzJul 11, 2015View
21938Last Movie You WatchedJurassic World.<br><br>I don't know if I've just become a movie cynic or what, but this did nothing for me. The Mercedes plugs were so distracting, at least in JP 2 they were just in the background and didn't have cameos. I seemed to know exactly what was going to happen in this movie, play by play.<br><br>T Rex fights Hybrid? Check.<br>Aqua Croc kills Hybrid? Check<br><br>I found it bizarre how the T Rex paddock was like a 2 minute walk from the main square. This movie was almostTransformers but with Dinos. Too much action, the first one had that suspense mingled with emotion. Remember when the chick was eating ice cream with Hammond when everything was going wrong? That was a movie. The only cool things about this movie was the cute redhead and the fanciful notion Chris Pratt was the fat kid who scoffed at the raptor skeleton in the first movie.<br><br>3/5<br><br>"<a href=""><span class="character"></span></a>Hammond, after some consideration, I've decided, not to endorse your park."vkimoJul 11, 2015View
21937Random Pictures Thread<img style="width: 385px; height: 385px;" src="/images/postImages/143658347571X2aDt+TSL._UX385_.jpg"><br><br>Or "Beavuh Fevuh!!!" as Dagget would call it.<br>Mr MagicJul 11, 2015View
21936Random Pictures Thread<img src="/images/postImages/1436584910sfairlines.jpg"><br>BenjanimeJul 11, 2015View