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Displaying 25471-25480 of 49026 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
2446690's Kid GameshowsThe only ones I remember are Fun House, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego, and Double Dare.<div><br></div><div>Did you know the host of Fun House, J.D. Roth, is the co-creator of The Biggest Loser?</div>FuzzSep 25, 2015View
24465The School BusMine was Bus 52 in middle school.<br><br>I remember when it had arrived everyday after school, the announcement would come on the intercom:<br><br>"Bus 52, Bus 52!"<br><br>And I got outta the building after such a long day.<br>Mr MagicSep 25, 2015View
24464How was your day?i got around to buying a replacement plug for my wii u gamepad today, only it isn't an outlet plug, but a usb plug. the cord looks more durable than the regular plug that came with the console. i'll likely get a foldable tv table to set the gamepad on and have it next to my bed.<br>BenjanimeSep 25, 2015View
24463Halloween Article Contest 2015I too have just submitted my Halloween contest article.kidcoffeeSep 25, 2015View
24462RetroDaze Christmas SpecialI was just sitting here listening to Michael Bell and Larry Kenney's voice overs for the special. These guys are so great. Just super good sports. I can't say how much I appreciate their time and effort. <br>Vaporman87Sep 25, 2015View
2446190's Kid GameshowsI dug Nick Arcade as well. That list was pretty cool though. I loved seeing What Would You Do getting a mention. That show doesn't get near the love that it deserves.massrealitySep 25, 2015View
24460Last Movie You Watched<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Howard Stern is like the Donald Trump of radio. "I'm so good... everybody likes me... I can say and do what I want." That's paraphrasing what he thinks of himself. He must be right... his ratings are good. I personally think he's lame, much like Donald.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'll give Stern credit, he can make a 4+ hour radio segment interesting. Plus as they say in the movie, the people who hate him listen to him longer. &nbsp;echidna64Sep 25, 2015View
24459The School BusSo who can remember their school bus number? It popped in my head today that ours was #21. There was a different number either before or after that one, but #21 is the one I remember.<br>Vaporman87Sep 25, 2015View
24458How was your day?I saw one of the Google Street View cars in town today. It was one car behind us. I wonder if our vehicle has been immortalized on Google maps?<br>Vaporman87Sep 25, 2015View
24457RetroDaze Goodie PacksYay mystery box!I can't wait!kidcoffeeSep 25, 2015View