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How I Remember Christmas


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Displaying 23011-23020 of 49024 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
26984RetroDaze Christmas SpecialYahoo!  I think the GF and I will actually be able to make this one!  Will a reminder email be sent out?oniparDec 09, 2015View
26983A Christmas Story (1983)They could've picked a better guy to hire for the department store Santa than this bozo.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>Mr MagicDec 09, 2015View
26982RetroDaze Goodie PacksHey, sorry I have been MIA. &nbsp;The holidays and the end of the semester cause some mighty tough scheduling. &nbsp;I just ordered the new Christmas pack, and I can't wait! &nbsp;i actually JUST spent some time hanging last year's 8-bit wreath, assembling the Lego tree, and perusing the Christmas card game. &nbsp;:-) &nbsp;If I have time I'll hopefully enter the article contest too. &nbsp;Cheers!oniparDec 09, 2015View
26981How was your day?I don't blame your daughter Vamporman.&nbsp; I would want to be more loopy too.&nbsp; Anything dealing with the mouth hurts.<br>Poshy2005Dec 09, 2015View
26980A Christmas Story (1983)<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Awesome recollections, Nlogan. I remember those ads and commercials. What was the "fiasco" you speak of? </i><b>-end quote<br><br></b></blockquote>Poor Ralphie, weeks of drinking gallons of Ovaltine in order to get the Ovatine inner seal to send off for a Little Orphan Annie secret decoder pin did not pay off.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>NLoganDec 09, 2015View
26979How was your day?After all that I think you may be more deserving of the loopy drugs, Vaporman.kidcoffeeDec 08, 2015View
26978And we're backHuzzah. You don't realize how addicted to a site you are until it goes down.&nbsp;kidcoffeeDec 08, 2015View
26977How was your day?Took my daughter to her dentist appointment today, and after being numbed by a shot in the gums, she wouldn't let them pull the tooth we went there to have taken out. So now we have to reschedule with a dentist another 1.5 hours away who can give her a drug to make her loopy, and less apprehensive. Hurray. Vaporman87Dec 08, 2015View
26976And we're backI thought I was going to have to send out a search party for the website.&nbsp; Yay for it being back!&nbsp; <img src="">Poshy2005Dec 08, 2015View
26975And we're backDo you know how long I've been waiting?<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1449613689a3d9ab735d70a5f63e6fd8f89b9d5a0d.jpg"><br>Mr MagicDec 08, 2015View