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Displaying 3421-3430 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2018ArticleVaporman87My guess is that with a little less "preaching" the gospel of protecting the environment, Captain Planet could have been something bigger... and might have had increased longevity. The writers tended to focus too much on the lesson, and not enough on developing the show into something entertaining.Overrated shows from my childhoodFeb 18, 2015View
2017ArticleAnEarly90sManAh...The Super Soaker 100. I'm still in love with it after all of these years.Retro ThriftingFeb 18, 2015View
2016ArticleAnEarly90sManWell, excuse me, Princess! I love all of those shows, so you know I'm offended. Just so you know, "Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue" was a special that played on each network channel in the spring of '90. This may surprise you, Pikachulover, but I hate Pokemon. To me, the pokemon were all rip-offs of Kirby. The similarities are all there and originality was dead in 1995. @Mason Yes, Saved By The Bell gained popularity through syndication. I didn't start watching it until the summer of 1991 when it came after The Chipmunks Go To The Movies. I wish I had recorded them then because NBC ran the uncut version of each episode. @bklynbren The New Adventures of Captain Planet was far worse than the original series. They tried to tackle difficult subjects like racism with the mid 90s series, but the character was named Captain Planet for a reason! @ZeldaQueen I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you on that one. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers had the same plot for each episode. @Simply Eighties Zack Morris was the greatest conman of the early 1990s. He had all of the traits of an 80s conman- good looks, spirituality and the ability to sway people with words. Mario Lopez was great as Slater, the macho man of the show. Can you blame Mark Friedman for pushing out more TMNT merchandise after Turtlemania hit in the spring of 1990? @Retrosc7 These were more than 'shows that were there in the 90s'. Most of them were pop culture touchstones! @raptor I'm with you on this one. @Fulton4V Screech really went through many changes in his fictional life. @Vaporman87 Captain Planet was meant to be the He-Man of the 1990s. The 'Save The Environment' craze of the early 90s was so short-lived. @Benjanime "Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue" is still consists of one of the greatest crossovers of all time. Oh yeah, Anime bothers me. To each its own.Overrated shows from my childhoodFeb 18, 2015View
2015ArticleAnEarly90sManCaptain N? Pro Stars? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Gad, I love the Bush Senior era days! In '91,on a Friday night at 9pm, I know I was watching TGIF! Thank you for writing this article, Hoju Koolander! SleepoversFeb 18, 2015View
2014Articlevkimo@Hoju - I think you said it best in your Quest for Playboy article where it was a taboo rite at first and now it's like a bowl of Werther's at grandmas just there for the takingSleepoversFeb 17, 2015View
2013ArticleHoju KoolanderGlad to know we're not alone on this one. @Vaporman87 Yeah, talking about the "hottest babes" in school was definitely a topic during sleepovers. A lot of times we would go through the yearbook and rate the girls, but acting the encounters out with action figures is a great twist. @vkimo If only our kids could stay in the sweet, safe glow of the SNES, but alas "That Internet" comes a callin'.SleepoversFeb 17, 2015View
2012ArticleSilvervix@jkatz: It left a really great impression on me. At first I wasn't even motivated to track it down, but when I saw episode 1 again, everything became more clear. I was too lucky to even get to see the episodes I saw when I was little, because otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered to watch this.Slam Dunk: The jewel of my childhoodFeb 17, 2015View
2011ArticlevkimoYeah, I don't think I would let my kid do a sleep over. Kids could sleep over our house because I know I'd make sure it was all in good form. But with kids having smart phones at 9 years old I just don't want them all looking at nudie sites upstairs rather than playing SNES like I did.SleepoversFeb 17, 2015View
2010ArticleVaporman87@jkatz: So much of what Batman is to us today was culled from that one series. That's a testament to its impact on fans.Slam Dunk: The jewel of my childhoodFeb 17, 2015View
2008ArticlejkatzSounds like the show really left an impression on you! I can relate, a few years ago I bought the complete boxed set of Batman: The Animated Series and was finally able to watch full episodes after years and years of relying on vague memories from when I was little of how good it was. Slam Dunk: The jewel of my childhoodFeb 17, 2015View