I really wish the User Posts would return once again. I miss looking back at the threads we responded to.
shoot your
eye out.
shoot your
eye out.
Forum » Chew The Fat » RetroJunk on the mend?
Guess who's back? No really...GUESS, GAWD DAMMIT.
(Thanks for editing my signature...whoever had the power to do so lol). |
The user posts are available.
If only Vertex brought back the polls for the threads. I miss starting one.
"Magic can happen to you."
The site lacks so many features than before, it's mind boggling to think he thought the new design was an "update." No profiles anymore, all the video content is just crammed into one endless section. It's more like a mobile version.
If that's an update, then AIDS don't kill.
"Magic can happen to you."
Ahem, AIDS actually doesn't kill.
http://www.aidschicago.org/prevention-home/facts-about-hivaids#9 |
It doesn't? It shows what I know.
"Magic can happen to you."
Well if nothing else, this has taught us some AIDS facts. Thanks Vertex. You love this signature.
How can somebody call something that's less than improved an update?
"Magic can happen to you."
It's like trading in your Pinto for a Yugo