I love a good challenge, but I think my hand/eye coordination is not quite what it used to be.
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Forum » Retro Video Games » Hyperkin RetroN 5
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Heh, you're just out of practice.
shakin steak wrote : Yeah. I prefer that excuse. You love this signature.
I held off on getting this console for quite a while. But after thinking about it, and looking into it more, I decided to go ahead and save up for it. I also went ahead and decided to get Fire Emblem for the Famicom has one of the first games to try out the translation patches.
The emulation is pretty good. There's still some games that has created some issues. Particularly, with games like Yoshi's Island, where the audio would bring in some issues... sometimes even to the point where there's a lot of stutter in getting the audio to work properly. I'm still interested in looking towards an RGB setup from the original hardware using the XRGB framemeister. A setup like that blows the RetroN 5's emulation right out of the water. But the RetroN 5 is still a nice, cheaper alternative to that. Plus, it's also useful in the sense that you can back up your save files, and being able to play Japanese games in English. |
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