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Forum » Chew The Fat » So I "Published" some eBooks
cool, i decided to check them out.
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
echidna64 wrote :

Who did you cover art? It looks legit!
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Thanks man! I did it in Photoshop. The plastic, wrinkled book jacket look is my signature mark 
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Hoju Koolander
Very cool, man. Here's wishing you much success and many downloads!
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Hoju Koolander
Oh and I have book on Amazon as well called Blog Of A Bully that I wrote with my friend and provided the art for. I plotted it, then he actually wrote it out to full length. 
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Man, I'd kill for 7 reviews haha
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I'm gonna try to get to this a bit this evening!
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You love this signature.
Nice! It's only like a 15 minute read. I'm testing the waters before I try to take on a novel sized work.
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vkimo wrote :

Nice! It's only like a 15 minute read. I'm testing the waters before I try to take on a novel sized work.
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Oh, well I should be able to get to a review this evening as well. Looking forward to it my friend!
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You love this signature.
Just an update, since publication I've enjoyed 2 unique sales. One from the US and one from the UK. I plan to divest the .47 cents in royalties into off shore tax havens in Ireland.
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vkimo wrote :

Just an update, since publication I've enjoyed 2 unique sales. One from the US and one from the UK. I plan to divest the .47 cents in royalties into off shore tax havens in Ireland.
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I've read it a couple of times, interesting character study. Do you want my review posted to Amazon?
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