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Forum » Chew The Fat » Ready Player One
I was just wondering if anyone had read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I've had the book on my Kindle for six months, but just go around to reading it a couple weeks ago and loved it. It's full of 80's references, and actually the entire plot is built around the 80's in a strange way. 

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I've heard about it, but never actually read it. It has a lot of positive press.
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shakin steak
No, but funny you should ask because I was just thinking about it last night.
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I have the book and so far I love it.
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It's been announced that Steven Spielberg will direct the movie adaptation. I'm so excited! 

Steven Spielberg to Direct Sci-Fi Film ‘Ready Player One’

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Sweet. Now I may have to check out this book.
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massreality wrote :

It's been announced that Steven Spielberg will direct the movie adaptation. I'm so excited! 

Steven Spielberg to Direct Sci-Fi Film ‘Ready Player One’

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My reaction when I saw that

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The trailer dropped today and I'm definitely making a rare appearance to the theater to see it. Seeing the DeLorean racing around sealed the deal. Gotta read the book first though.
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I read that Warner Bros. had already signed a deal for the film rights before the book had even been published. That's odd.
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It isn't unheard of in the industry. It's rare, but it does happen.

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That trailer made me tear up with how great it looked and how accurate they are trying to keep it.

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