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Forum » Chew The Fat » Guess That Year - Round 2

Of course.
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ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

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Round 3 begins Monday.

Looks like I'm going to have to be more selective of my "positive" clues. You guys are on the ball.
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D*mn! First time someone guesses the year, and he's correct.
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That last clue sealed it. What got me was that I used to watch the movie Miracle a lot and that helped me figure it out.
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When I saw you won this morning with 1980, I knew it was related to that game before seeing the clue.
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shakin steak
I still don't understand any of the clues in this round except the first one
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Most of them can be Googled in minutes but some are worded cleverly as to make you think about it. I usually know right away or have no idea when I read them.

And can Vapor confirm what the Toy Soldiers clue was about?
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vkimo wrote :

Most of them can be Googled in minutes but some are worded cleverly as to make you think about it. I usually know right away or have no idea when I read them.

And can Vapor confirm what the Toy Soldiers clue was about?
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Martika - Toy Soldiers

Hence the "sounds" of Toy Soldiers playing.
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You love this signature.
shakin steak
For some reason when I googled ruby ridge before, I got nothing relevant. Mostly stuff about the Ruby on Rails programming language. Now when I try, the reference is obvious. Maybe I had used quote marks, I don't know. But I still don't know what the 20 yanks and russkies is about. Sports?
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