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Back to School Again with Nickelodeon

     It's back to school time you know what that means? Pencils, books, and even teacher's dirty looks. However something came around in the nineties that has yet happened again in recent years. That trend is TV station school supplies and promotions for schools. This time we're focusing on one in particular, Nickelodeon. We'll be going over how Nickelodeon took over schools and even kids meals.

Nickelodeon's Nick Takes Over Your School
     Contests on Nickelodeon were nothing new, from Nick or Treat to Nick in The Afternoon Hosted by You, there was at least a few a year. But one stood out as the most Nickelodeon of them all, Nick Takes Over Your School.
     From the mid nineties to the mid two thousands the contest would select one school to have a day that Nickelodeon takes over the school from Gym class being turned into Guts and Double Dare, sliming the staff, and a concert by a popular artist or group at the time. It was revived for a time with just a name change to Nick Rocks Your School, everything else stayed the same. While not done much in America anymore the event is popular in other parts of the world.
People who won or was part of the winning school said it was the best time they had and was a lot of fun. 
Burger King's Nickelodeon Back To School Kid's Meal toys
     When it comes to kids meal toys, they are usually something cheap and simple or a small plush. However in August of 1999, Burger King and Nickelodeon teamed up to help kids along with school supplies in the most Nickelodeon way possible. 
     The toys are basic school supplies, calculator, pen, pencil bag, and a dry erase board. With one exception, the spinner toy. However when it came to the actual supplies they had a spin to them that made them more appealing to kids, outside of the Nickelodeon branding. With at the time Nickelodeon's whacky and out there brand the pencil case was an airplane with their logo on it, the calculator and dry erase board have a cartoony industrial look to them, and the pen was in the shape of a rocket and the pen holder was meant to look like slime and with the pen in it looked like a rocket crashed into slime.
      I can remember these being a must have at my school. Kids would usually have the pencil bag with them. As for the others, outside of the spinner, they are what I call 'useful fun' they may be school supplies, but they are designed in a fun and appealing way that kids enjoyed it. 
While school was never fun in general, these promotions did make the time a bit more fun. Even though we aren't in school anymore, doesn't mean we can look back at the smaller things. 
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onipar Posted on Aug 16, 2020 at 02:40 PM

Nickelodeon was such a huge part of my childhood. I used to love any extra little promotion that would make the end of summer a little less devastating.

Mr Magic Posted on Aug 05, 2020 at 02:36 PM

I always hoped that someday Nick would take over my school.

Benjanime Posted on Aug 05, 2020 at 12:26 PM

i'd say up until high school i didn't mind going back to school, my middle school years were fine because i had classmates at the time who were into pok'emon as i was and that was the time that we would trade cards with one another and share rumors about the games.

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