You will
never be
How I Remember Christmas


The Best Day Ever


Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » RetroDaze Points Store
Mr Magic
@Pika: II think it's posted in another thread.
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"Magic can happen to you."

The Hyrule Historia is now available in the Points Store!

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interesting o_O i got the wind waker wii u bundle originally that has a digital hyrule historia, but i'd rather go with the book, it's a definite must-pickup for me. thanks vapor!
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Well, I happened to have had enough points, so I decided to make the purchase on the Hyrule Historia book.

One of these days, I got to start posting more videos on here. I've also had a few ideas on articles to write, but am not sure how I would write about them. Plus, I don't think I'm the best writer when it comes to articles.
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blueluigi wrote :
Plus, I don't think I'm the best writer when it comes to articles.
-end quote
That's okay though. What really makes an article fun and interesting usually doesn't have much to do with how it's written, but the stories and memories that it contains. At least that's how I feel.

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Charging your mobile devices never seemed so "retro" until now...

Get yours now in the Points Store.
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Two new books have been added to the Points Store:

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Mr Magic
I wonder if the book A Christmas Story is based on will be sold at the Points Store:

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"Magic can happen to you."

I own the book and I like the book. It was even the inspiration for two other movies (both of which just could not recapture the magic of the first) and seven TV spots, but this is a rare example of liking the movie better than the book.

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Vaporman87 wrote :

Charging your mobile devices never seemed so "retro" until now...

Get yours now in the Points Store.
-end quote

Please tell me there is a wall charger option with this.
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