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Vaporman87 wrote :

ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

So then Benjanime isn't alone here's a certian dude way before he put on the hoodie
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That's the most fake beard ever made. Perhaps you're explaining that to him in this picture.
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I look so sassy in that picture

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Mr Magic
ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :

So then Benjanime isn't alone here's a certian dude way before he put on the hoodie
-end quote
You look like you mean business.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

"alright santa, where's that skateboard i asked for last year? don't think i forgot!"
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Benjanime wrote :

"alright santa, where's that skateboard i asked for last year? don't think i forgot!"
-end quote

You aren't too far off actually lol
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Dollar General has wasted no time letting Christmas take over more space in their store than Halloween...

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You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Why must they rush into things?
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"Magic can happen to you."

I think Monty Python says it best

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

As much as I like Toy Story. I don't really enjoy the specials that much.
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I'll watch it. The Halloween one wasn't so bad. I like that franchise stays alive in this form, even though the specials lack a little.
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