Vaporman87 wrote :
I was putting the words you wrote into his mouth, watching the clip. I really does look like that's what he is saying. Buuuutttt it's not. Still, points for the couple things you were right on, and for ingenious use of the Godzilla card.
-end quote
Well better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick as my old man always says. Thanks!
Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » RetroDaze Halloween Special
"Don't scream. Michael Knight. Knight Rider. Scary movie night. Godzilla. That's okay I'll protect you." - David Don't Hassle the Hoff Hasselhoff
"It's no dream. Michael Knight. Knight Rider. Did ya have a movie night? Enchilada? That's okay I'll protect you." "It's no dream. Michael Knight. Knight Rider. It's just ...... Get inside it. It's okay, I'll protect you."- David Don't Hassle the Hoff Hasselhoff Vaporman could you at least tell me which parts are right so I am not second guessing myself? I realize that gives others an advantage as they didn't come up with anything on their own. I think I am close I just need some context and confirmation. |
Sure. "Michael Knight. Knight Rider." You got that part right.
You love this signature.
Yechh. I guess I'll just keep my scanners peeled for the next lip reading contest where we do the KITT car, probably be easier than old mumble mouth Hasselhoff.
I wonder if this special will get mentioned in David's résumé on IMDB. "If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."
thecrow174 wrote : I know it would be the highlight of anyone's career in show business, but this is The Hoff we're talking about here. Not just anyone. You love this signature.
NLogan wrote :Maybe he had just returned from a round of botox injections. You love this signature.
Ahh. Michael Knight's cameo is done. Now on to Lion-O's.
You love this signature.
Mark your calendars...
You love this signature.
I set a reminder on my phone. Maybe shoot me a PM day of to remind me just in case. I definitely want to be there.