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Forum » Retro Places » County Fairs
Well, first day here at the fair and man, it's ludicrously hot! Still fun though.
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  • By Fuzz
  • At 12:37 On 18 August 2015
  • 79 Posts
  • New Kid On The Block
Spent about all day at the Erie County Fair on Sunday. It was hot as balls out. I'm pretty much burnt to a crisp. According to the wife's iPhone, we walked almost seven miles.

I managed to achieve a life-long dream of mine. I finally won that game where you have to toss a ping pong ball into one of those little glass bowls. It also landed in the blue bowl, so I got my choice of prizes. Off course, my 5yo wanted the Minecraft sword and not the four foot tall stuffed Gizmo.

My 15yo managed to win the bowling ball game seven times. He ended up with a big plush Minion. That was $20 well spent.
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Fuzz wrote :
It also landed in the blue bowl, so I got my choice of prizes. Off course, my 5yo wanted the Minecraft sword and not the four foot tall stuffed Gizmo.
-end quote
I'm sorry, but I'm thinking in this case I would have activated Dad Protocol 1512: Override child's choice due to cool factor being too great to overlook.

Proof that even in Hicksville Central, we have a smidgen of culture:

And then of course, there are those things you expect to see...

My personal choice for "Best In Show"? This entire section of delights that my diet does not allow. My diet is a jerk.

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shakin steak
Vaporman87 wrote :
And then of course, there are those things you expect to see...
-end quote
Right after pig races    Man, I would like to see some chainsaw carving, that sounds awesome.

How are there so many first places are they all gathered from the different realms?
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Last night, as we were exiting the fair for the evening and heading to our car, I noticed a helicopter began hovering over the fairgrounds. I thought perhaps they were taking photographs... not giving it much thought.

Later that evening, I found out the truth...

One of the guys I work with watched the accident happen right in front of him. He said it took 40 minutes to clean up the blood on the track. Apparently he severed an artery. I can't imagine seeing that, and I'm glad I didn't. The mood at the fair today is pretty somber, to say the least.

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Next to the last night of the fair. Hard to believe it.
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So I splurged the final night here. Deep Fried Oreos are soooo good. However Oreos, batter, and powdered sugar are JUST a wee bit off from my diet.

EDIT: I made that final walk off the grounds tonight. It's depressing, even when I think it won't be. Like returning to 2015 from a visit to the late 80's. Thankfully my family will be home waiting with open arms.
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So it's night 4 of the Fair this year, and I noticed a concession place decked out in lettering using the same font as our RetroDaze logo:

A couple other images...

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The Fair begins Monday. After a year without one, it will be great to stroll the grounds once more.

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i miss going to these honestly. going to busch gardens doesn't quite have the same charm it used to in comparison.

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