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never be
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The Best Day Ever


Forum » RetroDaze Theater » 5th Anniversary Film Festival
Hoju Koolander
Vaporman87 wrote :

Now if we can just gently remind Hoju that Dutch is the yellow one, and “Hammy” is the red one. It even shows that in the background scenery.

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OOPS. It should be mentioned that this is collaboration with an overseas production company, so there will be some translation errors.
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The Theater is open now. C'mon in.
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stinks that i couldn't see it on mobile, but seeing everyone's comments was worth it still
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Simply fantastic presentation! The cut scenes were awesome, voice over work was spot on. Caps celeb cameos were nothing short of amazing. Happy 5th!!!
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It's up on the Home Page now for those wishing to watch it at their leisure.
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I enjoyed this presentation. It was shorter than I expected, but everybody did a great job on their part.
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just watched the whole thing, loved how well done this was! if we do another collab like this again i may include one of my animations in there it was a fun collab to be part of!
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Missed it. Got to the theatre too late. Said closed. Even though I bought a ticket. Trying to watch on my mobile from the home page. Can't figure how to get it to play. Chrome on an Android. Didn't see the options to allow flash mentioned in the email.
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Borrowed a laptop. Saw the special. I have met Chuck Norris and Hoju Koolander and can personally attest that they sound exactly like that in real life. Love the mask vkimo. Had fun seeing everyone's contributions. Adventure is out there. Don't forget to brush your teeth. Looking back is amazing when you are retrodazing. Love peace and bacon grease. Long live Retro daze.

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NLogan wrote :

Looking back is amazing when you are retrodazing.

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I'm pretty sure that number will be a Top 10 hit. Most of Mel's songs are.
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