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Forum » Writer's Block » Importing Articles From RetroJunk
Vaporman87 wrote :

I think it's a fine idea. Perhaps we can create a new category for these articles (like we have Photog Smurf Approved, Contest Winner, Featured, Official...) and call it maybe "RJ Classics" or something like that.
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I like that idea. 
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I''ll just pitch my hat in with the majority on this issue since there is only one article I have at Retrojunk that isn't already here in another form.
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A look at the category image for the upcoming "RJ Classics" article category:

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Thats pretty sweet.

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Caps 2.0
I like the sound of this, being as I'd love to rewrite some of my articles from a more mature perspective, but at the same time, I often used very adult language, as did many of my interview subjects. Would RJ articles imported here be censored or not?
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if you could edit my old "pok'emon fad" article with the rj classics branding, that'd be just dandy.
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Caps 2.0 wrote :

I like the sound of this, being as I'd love to rewrite some of my articles from a more mature perspective, but at the same time, I often used very adult language, as did many of my interview subjects. Would RJ articles imported here be censored or not?
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Most likely, but that depends on the language/content. You could get by with a lot on RJ that wouldn't fit our atmosphere here,
Benjanime wrote :

if you could edit my old "pok'emon fad" article with the rj classics branding, that'd be just dandy.
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Consider it done.
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Are anybody else's articles on RJ messed up? 

I went through some old ones and a lot of them were either completely blank or missing major sections.

More reason why I hate that place  
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Mine were hammered during the great purge of members otherwise known as the reformatting. The same picture repeated multiple times. I whined loudly and vertex fixed them for me. Soon you can enjoy the new improved versions here.
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This new category is a go now. I have already added Rick and Ben's articles they mentioned to the RJ Classics. Everyone else, send me a list of the articles you have brought over from RetroJunk if you would like yours placed in this category.
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