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Displaying 781-790 of 48968 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
497671960 - The Swiss Family Robinson<p>&quot;The Swiss Family Robinson&quot; was on Amazon Prime last year and it really stood out to me just how well crafted that old movie is. Anyone watching just on a whim might not be prepared for Disney at its Best.</p> <p>My search results show several versions, animated and live action, and I still say it&#39;s because that 1960 movie is so good.Adding comedy to a story about survival doesn&#39;t sound wise, but Disney put just the amount - at just the right time, to send an audience over the top (in a good way).</p> <p>Irwin Allen was inspired to add a sci-fi spin when he created, &quot;Lost in Space&quot; in 1965. But television and movies are completely different animals with different financing. The complications of series television caused Lost in Space to struggle under tight budgets and tighter deadlines.The show quickly fell into 1960&#39;s cheesy &#39;n cheap production standards that even made&nbsp;me cringe as an eight year old.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> eddstarrApr 10, 2023View
49766The Future ain't Free<p>After all these years I can still hear the voices of all the people I knew back in the 1960&#39;s who kept reminding me that &quot;utopian ideas&quot; are nothing new. What&#39;s shocking are people who never learn the lessons that form basic human motivations.&nbsp;</p> <p>Born in 1921, Gene Roddenberry was schooled in the Great Depression dreams of a world were everyone held a collective value and &quot;community wealth&quot; was equally distributed. And those dreams were well known to Lucille Ball, head of Desilu Studios and another Great Depression survivor. Gene&#39;s pitch for Star Trek struck a cord with Lucy and it was her networking in the background that paved the way for Gene to sell Star Trek to the TV networks.</p> <p>I now realize that the crush of series television production, for time and money, resulted in Roddenberry throwing every idea, no matter if he knew better, into the Star Trek mix.</p> <p>Not to pick on Gene Roddenberry - science fiction has always held ideals that we should aspire to. There are many generations who dream of a better world, not unlike the Emerald City from &quot;The Wizard of Oz&quot; - 1939.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> eddstarrApr 10, 2023View
49765Your favourite crappy old games<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>@Mr Magic, I always thought that game looked cool. I&#39;m a sucker for digitized live action and 3D sprites. I even gave the MK: Sub-Zero game on N64 way more of my time than it was worth.&nbsp;</p> <p>@Benjanime, one of my Halloween bad game traditions is playing the Pumpkin Hill level from Sonic Adventure 2. It&#39;s awful to play but I love the Halloween aesthetic and the music in all the Knuckles levels is killer.&nbsp;</p> MamboGatorApr 10, 2023View
49764Last Movie You Watched<p>Tetris was the last flick I watched. Good film. I recommend it.</p> Vaporman87Apr 10, 2023View
49763Your avatar.<p>Ha! That it does. I wonder what an A.I. art generator would come up with using just your username.<img alt="" src="" /></p> <blockquote rel="MamboGator" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>MamboGator wrote :</strong> <p><em>@Mr Magic, I love that scene. My friends and I quote it all the time.</em></p> <br /> <p><em>My avatar is just a random picture I found on Google that fits my username ridiculously well.</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> Vaporman87Apr 10, 2023View
49762Your favourite crappy old games<p>Batman Forever for Genesis.</p> <p>As a kid, I never thought so much about the bad the graphics might have been.&nbsp;I just got into the game.</p> <p>Yep. I said it.</p> Mr MagicApr 10, 2023View
49761Your favourite crappy old games<p><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">Monster Party gets a bad rap for being a bit too &quot;out there&quot; as an NES game, but I have a tradition of playing it from time to time during the month of October for its theme.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"><img alt="" height="394" src="" width="450" /></span></p> BenjanimeApr 10, 2023View
49760Last Movie You Watched<p>Movie 43</p> <p>I knew this movie by reputation before watching it on Netflix last night. Critics really hated it, but I thought most of the segments in it were&nbsp;pretty funny. It has the same kind of stupid humor that you find in short clips on YouTube.</p> <p>At the very least, it&#39;s fun to see so many huge actors give undoubtedly their most embarassing performances.</p> MamboGatorApr 09, 2023View
49759Your avatar.<p>@Mr Magic, I love that scene. My friends and I quote it all the time.</p> <p>My avatar is just a random picture I found on Google that fits my username ridiculously well.</p> MamboGatorApr 09, 2023View
49758The Future ain't Free<p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote><strong>eddstarr wrote :</strong> <br> <p><em>But even protesting college students at Berkeley in 1964 recognized that everything has a cost and you can&#39;t ignore economics - no matter how cool the ideas on paper may seem.</em></p> <em> </em><br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>Definitely. Star Trek really handwaves how they got to their utopia by saying &quot;well, we evolved past the concept of money.&quot; In reality, that&#39;s probably not going to happen--at least not in the foreseeable future well beyond any of our lifetimes. So humans need to shift priorities (or reach a level of comfort) to where they&#39;re willing to spend a lot more money on aesthetics instead of just settling for something that&#39;s functional.</p> <p>Even just replacing or upgrading our existing infrastructure would be a step toward a more futuristic look. Replacing our old, dated trains and utilities with something more modern would have the side effect of making it look more modern/futuristic. But those kind of projects happen through large-scale initiatives where either a windfall government or rich benefactor invests a ton into civic uplifting. Or there could&nbsp;be some urgent incentive to do so, like if the existing infrastructure is literally falling apart (which it is in many places, but the government is too poor or corrupt to do anything about it). Sorta like the Cold War resulting in the &quot;giant leap&quot; that fast tracked the space program in order to stay ahead of the ideological enemy.</p> MamboGatorApr 09, 2023View