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Displaying 48911-48920 of 49044 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
143BatmanFor real. Their performances are part of why I never get tired of the movie! That and the fact that it's a childhood favorite of mine. Mr MagicDec 11, 2012View
142Capcom games inspired by DisneyThe TaleSpin game is pretty difficult. The 1st level is hard enough!Mr MagicDec 11, 2012View
141Capcom games inspired by DisneyProbably Rescue Rangers. The music was so hyper, and two players at the same time is always a good thing. I could never get very far in it. But just the first few stages are so rich, with so many different things to do.shakin steakDec 11, 2012View
140Question regarding an upcoming articleCorrect. When you click the SUBMIT button from the Home page or Articles page, you will notice that below the text editor there is the option to "save as draft", which when clicked, sends the draft to your profile page. From there, you can re-open it or delete it.Vaporman87Dec 11, 2012View
139Capcom games inspired by Disney@thecrow174 definitely! it was a one to two player game that had you going through different levels that required costumes to go through, though you could use random ones to take care of enemies, such as a janitor uniform that comes with a vacuum that could suck up enemies, and some bosses that you fight have certain weaknesses to the attacks from the costumes that you pick up. it's difficult, but fun nonethelessBenjanimeDec 11, 2012View
138Capcom games inspired by DisneyHoly cow. Talk about specific! LOL Ummm, honestly, the last Disney related game from any company was probably that new one where you take on the role of various Disney characters for the Wii. Before that, I can't even remember.Vaporman87Dec 11, 2012View
137Capcom games inspired by DisneyWas it any good?Mr MagicDec 11, 2012View
136Question regarding an upcoming articlecan do! i usually use microsoft word for that kind of thing. where exactly is the feature located? i was assuming that it'd be on my profile pageBenjanimeDec 11, 2012View
135Capcom games inspired by Disneyi used to have the great circus mystery for the super nintendo. its pretty underratedBenjanimeDec 11, 2012View
134Question regarding an upcoming articleThat feature should be ready now. I'll double check though. But to be safe, considering the upcoming transfer of the site files and database - which hopefully is coming SOON - you may want to save the article (at least the writing portion) offsite as well. UPDATE - Yes, the draft save and recover functions are working properly.Vaporman87Dec 11, 2012View