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Displaying 40331-40340 of 48963 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
9133How was your day?Well had my meetup last night. It went pretty good. Better than I thought. Thirteen people came. Best part is that they donated unlike other meetups I've done.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJun 22, 2014View
9132Random Pictures Thread<img src="/images/postImages/1403447181tomodachigilda2.jpeg"><br><br>made a gilda resident for tomodachi life. yeah i was pretty bored<br>BenjanimeJun 22, 2014View
9131How was your day?<blockquote rel="blueluigi"><b>blueluigi wrote :</b><br><i> Currently, I've been getting used to living alone in the apartment. My sister moved out a week ago, so it's just me by myself. Right now, I want to really work towards getting a job, making money to move out and getting a place with roommates.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br>You should move back to Santa Rosa.<br>vkimoJun 22, 2014View
9130How was your day?Currently, I've been getting used to living alone in the apartment. My sister moved out a week ago, so it's just me by myself. Right now, I want to really work towards getting a job, making money to move out and getting a place with roommates.<br>blueluigiJun 22, 2014View
9129How was your day?<span style="font-style: normal;">Got to sleep in, pounded out <a href="">a review</a> of an old TSR </span><span style="font-style: italic;">Endless Quest</span> book for my dumb blog thing, and then caught a local music group doing an in-store performance at an indie record shop. It's been a pretty decent day...The ObliviaxJun 22, 2014View
9128Rampagei unfortunately never got to play the original 8-bit rampage, instead i was introduced to the series after playing rampage: world tour on the playstation<br>BenjanimeJun 22, 2014View
9127RampageRampage is one of my all time favorite arcade games. If I saw it amongst other games I usually hit it up before the others. <br><br>I've tried some of the newer releases on consoles and they just can't recapture the fun I had with this game. If only they would simply re-release this game with some new features and cities and such, but with the basic play mechanics and graphics intact. That would be really cool.<br><br>Naturally, I picked either Lizzy or George (since Ralph didn't really fit in with any monster movie I had ever watched). I disliked the fact that Lizzy was female though. Call me sexist. I don't care. :lol:<br><br>I wonder if the <a href="">movie adaptation</a> is still in the pipe.<br>Vaporman87Jun 22, 2014View
9126How was your day?@vkimo: That's pretty cool. Too bad it happened so quickly... some pics would have been sweet.<br>Vaporman87Jun 22, 2014View
9125Summer 2014I like how tonight I saw not one... not two... but THREE law enforcement vehicles patrolling our town (of 400 people) because of the Skatopia thing going on. That's funny... and a bit disconcerting. :skep:<br>Vaporman87Jun 22, 2014View
9124How was your day?I unknowingly saw Paul Sr. from American Choppers riding down Main Street. The local funeral home had a specially made motorcycle hearse made and he drove it down. Didn't realize it till I saw the news report on Facebook. <br>vkimoJun 21, 2014View