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Displaying 40171-40180 of 49044 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
9377Random Pictures Thread<img src="/images/postImages/1404157231Pac-Man-museum-600x337.jpg" height="300" width="479">Vaporman87Jun 30, 2014View
9376Transformers: Age of Extinctionodd. i thought it meant something else after game informer poked fun at some letter art from long ago. ah well. i won't say what though, lol<br>BenjanimeJun 30, 2014View
9375Transformers: Age of Extinction@Ben: I never noticed any Transformers with "genitalia", but I can tell you that "dingleberries" are not "genitalia". :lol:<br><br><font size="5"><span style="font-weight: bold;">din·gle·ber·ry </span></font><span class="pronset"><span></span> <span class="show_spellpr" style="display: inline;"><span class="prondelim">[</span><span class="pron"><span class="boldface">ding</span>-g<span class="ital-inline">uh</span><img class="luna-Img" src="" alt="" border="0"><img class="luna-Img" src="" alt="" border="0">l-ber-ee</span><span class="prondelim">]</span><span class="pron_toggle" style="display: inline;"> </span></span></span> <div class="body"> <div class="pbk"> <span class="pg"><span id="hotword"><span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">noun,</span> </span></span><span class="pg"><span id="hotword"><span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">plural</span> </span></span><span class="secondary-bf" data-syllable="din·gle·ber·ries."><span id="hotword"><span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">din·gle·ber·ries.</span> </span></span> <div class="luna-Ent"><span class="labset"><span class="ital-inline"><span id="hotword"><span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">Slang.</span> </span></span><span style="font-weight: bold;"> </span></span><span id="hotword"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">a</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">small</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">clot</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">of</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">dung,</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">as</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">clinging</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">to</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">the</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">hindquarters</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">of</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">an</span> <span id="hotword" class="hwc" name="hotword">animal.</span></span> </span></div> </div> </div><br>Vaporman87Jun 30, 2014View
9374Transformers: Age of Extinctionhopefully the autobots and decepticons won't have metallic dingleberries like in the previous films. i don't know what it is about michael bay giving giant robots their own genitalia. maybe he's just trying to be as weird as japan<br>BenjanimeJun 30, 2014View
9373Transformers: Age of ExtinctionI go in there knowing the story is gonna suck and the action is what drags me into it.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJun 30, 2014View
9372How was your day?It's pretty much crunch time for me as not only the convention next weekend. But the 4th of July weekend this weekend with now even more stuff. Then all the other things in July and August with my Birthday and other things. I was right when I said it was gonna be a busy summer.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJun 30, 2014View
9371Transformers: Age of ExtinctionAgreed. Nobody's going in there expecting Shakespeare. You know what you're going to get. Sometimes, that upsets you when his name gets attached to a property you like. But you've got to give it to the man, he has perfected the job of the big budget action flick. These are immense productions, with massive budgets, sets, egos, etc. and he somehow makes them work. They aren't always good... or even fair... but he gets the job done. <br>Vaporman87Jun 30, 2014View
9370Transformers: Age of ExtinctionI really enjoyed the movie. I call the Bayformers guilty pleasures. I like my senseless explosions and action if it involves giant robots and/or Giant monsters.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJun 30, 2014View
9369Transformers: Age of ExtinctionJust like it did every other Hollywood star/starlet. <br>Mr MagicJun 30, 2014View
9368Transformers: Age of Extinction@crow: Yeah, I read about that. Kid is messed up and can't keep out of trouble. He needs to get out of Hollywood before it swallows him whole and spits him out.<br>Vaporman87Jun 30, 2014View