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Displaying 39781-39790 of 48962 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
9688How was your day?<blockquote rel="ThatDudeintheHoodie"><b>ThatDudeintheHoodie wrote :</b><br><i> It's raining here too. But I enjoy the rain.<br> </i><b>-end quote<br><br></b>Good ol' Florida rain.<b><br></b></blockquote><br><br>Mr MagicJul 11, 2014View
9687How was your day?<blockquote rel="vkimo"><b>vkimo wrote :</b><br><i> Rained on us while walking. I love watching the fireflies at night.<br> </i><b>-end quote<br><br></b>I've seen dragonflies and a monarch butterfly, but I've yet to see fireflies around here.<b><br></b></blockquote><br><br>Mr MagicJul 11, 2014View
9686How was your day?It's raining here too. But I enjoy the rain.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJul 11, 2014View
9685ClassicsNot one mention of Mozart? That's pretty sad. <br><br><br><iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Mr MagicJul 10, 2014View
9684Classics8 Bit Classical is pretty cool too.<br> <object height="315" width="560"><param name="movie" value="//;version=3&amp;rel=0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="//;version=3&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="315" width="560"></object>vkimoJul 10, 2014View
9683How was your day?Rained on us while walking. I love watching the fireflies at night.<br>vkimoJul 10, 2014View
9682How was your day?It's raining and I love it!<br>Mr MagicJul 10, 2014View
9681ClassicsAnother piece by a brilliant composer. Has as lot of passion to it! <br><br><br> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Linux_SageJul 10, 2014View
9680ClassicsOne of my all-time favorite classical instruments is the organ. I love the way it sounds.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Part 1:</span> <br><br><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Part 2:</span><br><br><br><iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Mr MagicJul 10, 2014View
9679What ever happened to the Noid?He supposedly had a brief <a href="">comeback</a><br>vkimoJul 10, 2014View