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Retro Rooms Part Deux


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Displaying 39571-39580 of 49046 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
9986Casey Kasem passes awayCasey ain't resting in peace yet. His body is missing!<br>Mr MagicJul 22, 2014View
9985How was your day?I watched Transcendence last night.<br><br>My thoughts can be summed up in the following images:<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1406044847roger_hate_sucks_movie_425pixels_wide-thumb-425x325-44514.jpg"><br>Vaporman87Jul 22, 2014View
9984Remember Sony's "Walkman"?I don't get it. I was able to read the whole story on that site.<br><br>This link should work.<br><a href=",2817,2461186,00.asp"><br>,2817,2461186,00.asp</a><br>Mr MagicJul 22, 2014View
9983Random Pictures ThreadJust be glad nobody uses Leetspeak anymore. <br>Vaporman87Jul 22, 2014View
9982Random Pictures Thread<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <span style="font-weight: bold;">@TDitH:</span> That, "What the heck did I just read?" feeling.<br><br>Or sometimes this...<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1406040363Also This.jpe"><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br>Yep. I have replied numerous times asking when numbers were part of the english language........ Maybe it's the trade off for having letters in math.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJul 22, 2014View
9981Remember Sony's "Walkman"?In what way is that... the article is subscription only in the link. Tell me... I MUST KNOW! :lol:<br>Vaporman87Jul 22, 2014View
9980Random Pictures Thread<img src="/images/postImages/1406040891Pulp Fiction Hunger Games.jpg">Mr MagicJul 22, 2014View
9979Random Pictures Thread<span style="font-weight: bold;">@TDitH:</span> That, "What the heck did I just read?" feeling.<br><br>Or sometimes this...<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1406040363Also This.jpe"><br>Vaporman87Jul 22, 2014View
9978Random Pictures ThreadThis is my usual reaction when I scroll through my facebook<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/14060399151486902_415989691867709_785270138_n.jpg">ThatDudeintheHoodieJul 22, 2014View
9977Retro Randomness<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Apparently the <a href="">act of placing peanuts in bottles of Coke</a> is a thing that dates back several decades. My question... WHY?<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><div><br></div>I've done that before, it's like a salty and sweet type of thing.<br><br>Jrs1991Jul 22, 2014View