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Displaying 39351-39360 of 48968 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
10132Wonder Woman's new look.GINA CARANO! That's who should have been tapped to play her. I knew I had someone in mind... I just couldn't think of her until I saw that photo shake posted above!<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1406651019GinaCarano.jpg"><br><br><img style="width: 310px; height: 423px;" src="/images/postImages/1406651029Carano-MMA-Return.jpg"><br><br>Who better to play her than an actual MMA champ with acting credentials under her belt?<br>Vaporman87Jul 29, 2014View
10131Who's your favorite product mascot?I liked Dairy Queen's use of Dennis The Menace. I kinda wish they were still using him.<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/14066505674569207370_4052a72451.jpg"><br>Vaporman87Jul 29, 2014View
10130Wonder Woman's new look.I'm just going by history.&nbsp; But I agree that the "Amazon" factor would do well.<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1406648707wonder_woman_by_jeffach-d59egpa.jpg"><br>shakin steakJul 29, 2014View
10129Summer 2014First guy: MARCO!<br><br>His friends: POLO!<br><br>That was a fun pool game.<br>Mr MagicJul 29, 2014View
10128Summer 2014Been raining alot here lately so outdoor shenanigans don't happen that much. Other than searching for new topics for articles I've been writing fan fiction and playing Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJul 29, 2014View
10127Summer 2014it hit a solid 95 degrees yesterday so i didn't feel like cutting many yards, and i couldn't anyway because i'd run out of people to cut yards for. i have roughly 26 of them that i keep in contact with. now i think i'll just take today for some time of relaxation and procrastinating :B<br>BenjanimeJul 29, 2014View
10126Summer 2014Anyone still playing Marco Polo? <img src="">Mr MagicJul 29, 2014View
10125How was your day?<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> So...<br> <br> Had a great time tonight with family at Japanese Fusion Steakhouse (watching the food cooked with flair on a Habachi grill). <br> <br> Except, I had noticed the cooks squirting fluid into the mouths of patrons for as long as they could take it. My daughter tried it, but it was Sprite so she spit it out. <br> <br> Then I tried it. He switched bottles and I opened wide. It wasn't Sprite. Up until that point in my life, the amount of alcohol I've consumed in my life could be measured in a medicine cup. <br> <br> It was Saki. <img src="/images/smilies/MavLaughOutLoud.gif"><br> <br> Yech!!! My wife knew it, and was befuddled. She didn't realize I had no clue it was Saki. I thought it was juice until I closed my mouth to swallow my mouthful. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br>I'll have to keep that in mind when I go lol. <br>ThatDudeintheHoodieJul 29, 2014View
10124How was your day?A Sanford and Son episode revealed what was in Saki, but I dare not say what it was.<br><br>The only Asian food I'll eat is a fortune cookie and Chinese rice.<br><br>I know what you're going to say: Come on, crow, live a little!<br><br><img src="">Mr MagicJul 29, 2014View
10123How was your day?So... Had a great time tonight with family at Japanese Fusion Steakhouse (watching the food cooked with flair on a Habachi grill). Except, I had noticed the cooks squirting fluid into the mouths of patrons for as long as they could take it. My daughter tried it, but it was Sprite so she spit it out. Then I tried it. He switched bottles and I opened wide. It wasn't Sprite. Up until that point in my life, the amount of alcohol I've consumed in my life could be measured in a medicine cup. It was Saki. :lol: Yech!!! My wife knew it, and was befuddled. She didn't realize I had no clue it was Saki. I thought it was juice until I closed my mouth to swallow my mouthful. Vaporman87Jul 29, 2014View