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Displaying 29771-29780 of 49043 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20043New Batman suit and Batmobile revealed!Okay, now that the site's back up, I can post the trailer for the Batman/Superman film.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>Mr MagicApr 19, 2015View
20042How was your day?It was down. I'll explain later. :lol:Vaporman87Apr 19, 2015View
20041How was your day?Was RD down yesterday? It wouldn't load for me at allshakin steakApr 19, 2015View
20040How was your day?Yeah, did you use a doorknob or a brick?shakin steakApr 19, 2015View
20039Random Pictures Thread"Yum, it's rich in bunly goodness."<br><br><img alt="" src="" height="160" width="640">Mr MagicApr 18, 2015View
20038How was your day?@Vapor:<br><br>At least you didn't pull it out using string AND a Chevy Camaro like this braindead father did.<br><a href=""><br></a><br>Mr MagicApr 18, 2015View
20037How was your day?Deals for cards have been falling through left and right, Other things have been going wrong for me the past 3 days. Thankfully I got something going on Saturday afternoon and next tuesday I'm going to attempt to win free tickets for next month's free concert to cheer me up.<br>ThatDudeintheHoodieApr 18, 2015View
20036How was your day?My oldest son lost his first tooth tonight. I had to pull it out with string.Vaporman87Apr 18, 2015View
20035Favorite cars of the 80'sThe Ferrari F40 above is my favorite car of the 80's. I had an awesome poster of it I got at the book fair back in first grade.<div><br></div><div>I present the car from the Charlie Sheen flick, The Wraith. It's a Dodge Turbo Inceptor&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/postImages/1429312367thewraith1.jpg"></div><div style="text-align: center;"><br></div><div style="text-align: center;"><img src="/images/postImages/1429312387The_Wraith_by_Desyur.jpg" width="600"></div>massrealityApr 17, 2015View
20034Disney to do Star Wars episode 7 coming 2015 (The Force Awakens)I get the feeling this one will be less sleep inducing. :lol:Vaporman87Apr 17, 2015View