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Displaying 29431-29440 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20381Virtual Console ThursdaysWow. Why does ten bucks feel steep to me for Paper Mario?Vaporman87May 02, 2015View
20380How was your day?Sweet deal on the bike shakin. Sorry you're ill though. That sucks. Hope you get to feeling better.Vaporman87May 02, 2015View
20379Last Movie You WatchedThe Long Kiss Goodnight<br><br>Lot of thrills in this one. They sure turned the action up a notch. I love a chick with guns.<br><br>5 stars.<br><br><br><br><br>Mr MagicMay 02, 2015View
20378Virtual Console ThursdaysWeek of 4/30/2015:<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Wii U Virtual Console:<br><br></span>Paper Mario (N64)<br>$9.99<br><img src=""><br><br>This week marks the end of the lineup of DS and N64 titles planned for the Wii U Virtual Console. There still has yet to be more N64 titles announced, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they come out next. Hopefully, we'll start seeing more N64 titles in the future. The original Wii didn't have a huge lineup of N64 titles, so I hope the Wii U will bring in more.<br><br>Paper Mario, as some may know, was originally planned on being titled Super Mario RPG 2. But because Nintendo and Square had a falling out, Intelligent Systems began handling this title. The Thousand Year Old Door may have been a better game, but the N64 is still a good addition on it's own. At least it's a lot better than Sticker Star. Yeah... while I do find Miyamoto to be a genius when it comes to game development, and I have nothing against the guy whatsoever... I do think he screwed up with Sticker Star.<br><br>Also released on the Wii U eShop this week is amiibo Tap: Nintendo's Greatest Bits. It's where you use an Amiibo you have, and you unlock free demos of NES and SNES games available on Virtual Console. I tried it out with my Kirby and Sonic amiibo. My Kirby amiibo unlocks the demo to the original Legend of Zelda. By tapping the amiibo on the Wii U gamepad, it allows you to switch between different scenes. I got to say though... fighting virtually every boss battle in the original NES Zelda all in about 10 seconds doesn't feel as satisfying as playing them in the actual game. At least my Sonic amiibo brings in a better demo... which is Kirby's Adventure. That allows you to play through different scenes from the game, and they're not all boss battles. I got to admit, this does make me want to buy more amiibos to see what demos they unlock. But also, the more amiibos I have... the more they'll kick my ass in Super Smash Bros. <img src="">blueluigiMay 02, 2015View
20377How was your day?Well, that guy posted the bike for sale again. I wrote to say I was still interested but I need to know if he's serious. Fortunately, I was able to go meet him right away this time. Unfortunately that's because I've been home sick. I feel super cruddy, but I got the bike and $10 off.shakin steakMay 01, 2015View
20376Spring 2015I hate weed eating. Have I mentioned that? But at least the trees are looking nice.Vaporman87May 01, 2015View
20375The Goonies (and it's sequel!)Yeah. I prefer my Gizmo, furry. :lol: I think it would be neat if they introduced some third race of creature that both Gremlins and Mogwais had to defeat, together.Vaporman87May 01, 2015View
20374Random Pictures ThreadThis is a Pomeranian. One that needs to be shaved. <img src="" title=":lol:"><br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1430511798happy-pomeranian.jpg">Mr MagicMay 01, 2015View
20373The Goonies (and it's sequel!)<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Not sure how long we'll have to wait for a sequel, but apparently a <a href="">Gremlins sequel</a> (also written by Chris Columbus) is much further along.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I always thought it would make sense for a story in which Gizmo becomes a Gremlin. Maybe he is force fed by the bad Mogwais or something.<br><br>I did hear recently, though, that in the original script of the original film, Stripe was intended to be Gizmo as a Gremlin. I can see why way went the other way with it. Though it would have been a pretty awesome ride. The beloved adorable Gizmo turned into a vicious monster. I guess they didn't want to traumatize the audience that badly. Would have been quite the twist.<br>fuschniktMay 01, 2015View
20372The Goonies (and it's sequel!)<img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/1430484823los-goonies-en-la-actualidad.jpg"><div><br></div><div>One of my favorite movies!&nbsp;</div><div>I'm excited to see a sequel!</div>EISXUOISMay 01, 2015View