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Displaying 29271-29280 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20542A fifth National Lampoon's Vacation film has been announced. Agreed. Though I did find the girl in the red sports car reference a little funny. <br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20541Things kids today don't understand<blockquote rel="vkimo"><b>vkimo wrote :</b><br><i> I plan to raise my daughter on the SNES so much so she'll think the N64 I get her is the latest in gaming. I just hope she can find friends as she grows up that are real kids and not miniature teenagers.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Yeah. "Actual" kids are becoming a thing of the past. Just keep the social media/phone use to a minimum. I blame those two things for a lot. Just a change in culture that seems to be stealing the youth from our children.<br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20540How was your day?Hoping for a relaxing one with lower temps than today's. It was in the 90's today.<br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20539A fifth National Lampoon's Vacation film has been announced. Hmmm, looks like a little too much T&amp;A and innuendo. Sort of reminds me of Robin William's RV movie.<br><br>EDIT: I guess the original had all of that too haha<br>vkimoMay 09, 2015View
20538TomorrowlandI would like to know more about the plot. So far, the trailer I have seen revealed next to nothing about what is going on in the movie aside from this mysterious world you can be transported to.<br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20537Retro-Daze let's get healthy!I think it's doable. I love fish and seafood, chicken, nuts, and fruit. Vegetables and legumes are a little tougher, as I usually eat mine with some type of flavoring or spices that I probably shouldn't have now. Whole grains are good. I found this cereal at the supermarket that is made of beans and tastes great...<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1431139440Love-Grown-Foods-CEO-Why-not-bring-beans-into-breakfast-cereal_strict_xxl.jpg" height="300" width="506"><br><br>The strawberry flavor is the one I've tried.<br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20536Things kids today don't understandI plan to raise my daughter on the SNES so much so she'll think the N64 I get her is the latest in gaming. I just hope she can find friends as she grows up that are real kids and not miniature teenagers.<br>vkimoMay 09, 2015View
20535The Goldbergs<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> Welp, I got good news and bad news, Goldberg fans.<br><br>The bad news is that the season finale is this coming Wednesday.<br><br>The good news is that the series will be renewed for a new season. <br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br>That IS good news. Sweet, sweet, sweet!!!<br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20534John Candy must've been rolling in his grave when he heard about this.Yyyyeeeaaaahhhh....<br><br>I won't be watching.<br>Vaporman87May 09, 2015View
20533How was your day?Have a good weekend, RetroDaze!<br><br><img style="width: 256px; height: 319px;" src="/images/postImages/1431128901The_fonz_thumbs_up.jpg"><br>Mr MagicMay 08, 2015View