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Displaying 29001-29010 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20816Random Pictures ThreadRemember the Simpsons episode "Lisa's Pony"?<br><br><img style="width: 619px; height: 384px;" src="/images/postImages/1432395947Capture.PNG"><br>Mr MagicMay 23, 2015View
20815Random Pictures Thread<img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/1432394853free_candy_for_everyone___by_xxdanceswithwolvesxx-d7ax9zr.gif">BenjanimeMay 23, 2015View
20814Last Movie You WatchedStrange Magic (2015)<br><br>A forgetful fairy tale musical, with all the excitement of grass growing. The only bright spot would be the animation, which was really well done. It probably isn't surprising that George Lucas came up with the story for this one.<br><br>1.5/5<br>Vaporman87May 23, 2015View
20813Last Movie You WatchedVampire in Brooklyn - 5/10: I remember this coming out when I was around 10 or so and really wanting to see it. Almost twenty-years later, I finally watched it. I was expecting it to be extremely bad due to its reputation, but it was harmless enough. An okay way to kill 90 minutes.<br><br>DerkMay 23, 2015View
20812How was your day?Have a good Memorial Day weekend, everyone.<br><br><img style="width: 693px; height: 477px;" src="/images/postImages/1432344499US-flag-Florida-Bridge.jpg"><br>Mr MagicMay 23, 2015View
20811How was your day?Had my first taste of Bob Evan's Strawberry Supreme Pie of the season. Yeah... it's not on my diet. But hey, ya gotta cheat once in a while, just to stay sane. <br>Vaporman87May 23, 2015View
20810Virtual Console ThursdaysYa gotta love Mega Man May. <img src="" title=":)">Mr MagicMay 22, 2015View
20809Angry Birds the new Pac-Man?Nice mugs. I had glasses similar to the one on the right (with no handle). Though the image was a bit different.<br>Vaporman87May 22, 2015View
20808Virtual Console ThursdaysINCOMING ALERT! Mega May continues for the week of May 21, 2015.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Wii U Virtual Console:<br><br></span>Mega Man Zero 2 (GBA)<br>$7.99<br><img src=""><br><br>Super E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (SNES)<br>$7.99<br><img src=""><br><br><br>One thing to note about Mega Man Zero 2 is that it was released the same day as the despised Mega Man X7. Yeah, between those two games.. Mega Man Zero 2 was a better title.<br><br>Also, an interesting fact to note is that when Super EDF was originally released in North America, they simply called it Earth Defense Force. They started calling it Super EDF because there's an entirely different game franchise made by D3 that's called Earth Defense Force. The SNES game has nothing to do with that game series, so they started using the Super EDF name to make it less confusing so people don't think it's part of the same franchise.<br>blueluigiMay 22, 2015View
20807Last Movie You WatchedIron Monkey<br><br>Original version. Sooooooooo much better than the remake, which is just as good. I am absolutely in love with this karate film! I just adore it! It's become a new favorite of mine.<br><br>It would be wrong to give it 5 stars, so how about...<br><br><img style="width: 720px; height: 517px;" src="/images/postImages/1432307257M35.jpeg"><br><br>A billion? <img src="" title=":D">Mr MagicMay 22, 2015View