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Displaying 28831-28840 of 49036 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
20987Retrojunk down?I still argue that, along with the 'update', the quality of new members went a long way in running a lot of people off.&nbsp;<br><br>I'm not sure if some of them were trolling or just THAT weird, but man, there were/are some real winners.<br><br>It also didn't help when every new thread turned into "HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO RETROJUNK!?" and "HEY, U REMEMBER SMURFS?"DerkJun 01, 2015View
20986How was your day?Nice Linux. Catch 'em while you can. Hard to tell how much longer they'll be able/willing to tour.<br>Vaporman87Jun 01, 2015View
20985How was your day?Yesterday I saw a Rush concert and it was pretty awesome! I had an opportunity to see one a couple years ago but couldn't due to finals being on the same week. But I wasn't going to miss this one! It was Rush's R40 tour and possibly their last that I'll have an easy opportunity to see. Those dudes are pretty old but they still got it!Linux_SageMay 31, 2015View
20984Random Pictures Thread<div><br></div><div>&nbsp;Looks like you boys need to learn the valuable skill of cropping.</div><div><br></div><div><img src="/images/postImages/1433104949hz7akDCsmall.jpg"></div><div><br></div><src=" images="" postimages="" 1433104820hz7akdcsmall.jpg"=""></src=">jkatzMay 31, 2015View
20983Random Pictures ThreadA screen capture I made.<br><br>I thought it was a nice pose and a nice use of pyrotechnics at the same time.<br><br>RIP, Ultimate Warrior.<br><br><img src="/images/postImages/1433097948PDVD_004.JPG" height="301" width="536"><br>Mr MagicMay 31, 2015View
20982Photog SmurfI wanna see what other 80s icons look like with photog smurf's head.<div>hmm...anybody smell potential for a contest?</div>jkatzMay 31, 2015View
20981How was your day?So they charged you $125 for capturing a nuisance? Yeah. I think they would have a hard time getting that money from me.<br>Vaporman87May 31, 2015View
20980How was your day?I've caught a squirrel every day since that lizard was removed.&nbsp; If you were wondering what happened with the lizard...&nbsp; I heard a cat being attacked outside early in the morning last week when it was still dark, so I put on my headlamp and gave chase.&nbsp; It ran into my storage shed where I keep my traps and tools, and I just closed the door.&nbsp; The plan was to wait until it was light out, then try to get to my traps, but someone called animal control and they charged me $125.&nbsp; I wasn't happy about that.<br>AjimboMay 31, 2015View
20979Photog Smurf<blockquote rel="vkimo"><b>vkimo wrote :</b><br><i> Wouldn't that be just amazing if such things really existed? I would totally be down for meeting at the local community college's basement to wax nostalgic about NES for college credits or community service hours.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>It'd likely be more educational that what most kids are learning these days in college. :lol:<br>Vaporman87May 31, 2015View
20978Photog SmurfWouldn't that be just amazing if such things really existed? I would totally be down for meeting at the local community college's basement to wax nostalgic about NES for college credits or community service hours.<br>vkimoMay 31, 2015View